Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 ʻApelila 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Business Cards 11. LOSE, Xotarv Euhlio. Co!lector ajid General 1Business A(jeni. Patentee of Lo>k’s Chemic.vi. CoMPor.\D for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for several of the Best FIRE ĪXSURAXCE COS. Matnal l'elephone s, P. 0. Merchant sin?et. Honolnln. D.4HCISG SLASSES. D\N LY »NS' D.\XCINTt CT VS.s »i!lRe ch m.v.l fn>m the Drii.i. Snsn »o Ari « Hai.i. whieh he h«> re»iled for Tt’ESDAY, TitīT»SDAY and SATCIiDAY ot enoh week. 'i'īn S ittir'lny ortrsuizeil cl.tss f TCniI lren wiH i:i- et at the Arinn H.d at 2 o’eioek S itnrī'..ty afternoon, Apnl 7»h. t*n Tneslay pv-niti;>. A»>ril IOtb. at 7 «V! ek. a ei.iii» srill he fomied for JIen auJ Boys. •Yu Tb»;rs'.iay afterno<>n. >t !to'cluck Vt>ril !2.' . » - -H'ial chiss will *>e formed for ila\mi:ans. T;io chan>cs for all day Pnpila will le 2ō cenfs n lesson. On ilie aix>ve days 'Ir. Lynn ean be .«eeu ; at the Hall l'moi 9 to 12 uooue;hC>4 2t ; ' I Csty 5a M eat | 3VTarket Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Establisbed|1883. — J0S. TINKER, ■FAf*n-T Bslfc!(ĒfT MaJ:er of thc\Cdebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tuy Them. Meat Deliveretl to Any Part of tbe City aud Suburbs. Mutual Telepbone Number 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST . Honolulu, : : M. 1. GENERAL am> Commission Merchants - AXD — SUGAR FACTORS. AGFXTS FOR Lloyds ;— British and Foreign Marine In»aranee Coinpinr, Limited. Xorthern A«surnnce Co, fire k hfe. Pioneer Line of PaekeU from Lfrerpool. Hawauao Line of Packets. Mai Pacific Raīlway Co. ***> St«liiii Co. Liverpocl OmcE;Tbe AIha»y, OldHallSt. lenio-om 8RUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Buaioess of a Fidaciary Xatare Traasacted. Prompt attenbon given to the management t uf £»taiea, Gaariianshipa, Tra»la,’ etc., |»tc., ete. : GaHwrigkt Building, Merebant Street, Honoluln. I GHAS. GIR0LER, Impoiter anel Commission Merchant? t SPECIALTlii>: J. ± P. Coats’ Maehioe Thread { Jooas Broot>’ MaeliiaeUhwai Thre»d Pea*»’ Soap } P O. ItoX S .9. Matual Tek phcar 394 4 U Kaaiium-uiu ou«et.