Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T H Ē /\w\f\DED, Ajiheuser-I3nsch Brewing Co. the I?rize at the AVorld's Vair 'vith their EAOILi 13 J3rand I3eer. St Lorrs, Oct. 28, 1893. Messbs. Macfap.lane & Co., L’d., Honolnlu, H. I. D<ar Sirs: —We hare mailed you a copy of the announcing the great victor\' won by the Axhecseb-Bdsh Association with their “EAOLE Braad of Beer. [Signed] ANHEUSEB-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATIOX. m i * $ §5 & X HAPK. 4" - * & % *r r« * 05 cr rif& R1SH1H^ ordering this Beer bosuretoask forthe “EAGLE” Braud. Macfarlane <V Co., Mar. 11- -2md. Aqents for Uauaiian hlands. AT THE CLUB SXAELE3. “ CREOLE,’ r 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Sire, Prompter, 2,305. by Rlre Bnll 75: Dara. Onoe, by Bnccaue?r, 2,656. Prompter is slso the Sire of Apei, 2:26; Transit, 2:261; Walker. 2:231; 2:27'; ( hieo, 2:24: aml of the Daras Brilliantiue, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:23. “Crf.ole” i: iet bl:>rk, oue hind white foot ainl sumll stripe in faee. \Veight, 1,050 ponnds; is very stylish, pectle, a good prodncer «nd a game race horse, 55 ill stand for a limited number of mares at FIFTV (t50) DOI.I.ABS FOR THESKASON', p.iyah;e at time of a rrke. This horee was bred iu 1392 to forty-sii mares and produced forty-two coits. febi 7 -im 13 H DAV1S. ORDWAY t P0ETER, Kohimou BIock, Hotel S(., heiwee.i Forf aml Nuuann, Have Just lTece'v<d.jtr I»te .ll e I tif eet Flcel cf FUB N1TURE Ever lraported to tlds Conntry, Coiaprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Ssts In Holiel Oak. andof the L*ATESTDL SIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO TilESE SETS; WICKER WARB, Beaut ful Des gus of Wick*r Ware, consist ng of S0FAS, CHA1P»S, B0CKERS, etc., you eau get these in nny PINI8H voj desire. CHAIRS. Coontless numbers of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, inch:diiig 0FFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLES, We have had a nnmber of calls for these T.»b. s, witb CHA1RS t > matoh. We have now in s s wk the mo.-t BEAUTIFUL DINING R30M FURTITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chi:Toniers ;rDI -\TA. S.-vT ;D.vans covered with PORTIERS are b v,ring qni e the nge in ;place of LOUNG£S—we manafacture tiieta to cr ler : and have a | laige stock of P0RTIERS to select from. Greit AssortmentofM'OVEN WLRE MATTRESSES—Spring,Hair, Moss. Wool and Stniw Mattresses ou hand and nade to order. LiVE GEESF. FEATHE1RS and SILK I L0SS for Fi1:otts. CRIBS. CRADLES etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors aod siz-s, eOEMOE POLES. in wood or bnss trimmtngs. ‘ SBPAI3IlTCr. H«tlresses, Lounges and all Upholslered FnrnlUre rrpaircj »t reasonable «tes. eAEIKE"! MAKING, in all its hmnehe;?, by Compeae >t Workmen. MATTINO LAID and Interior Decorating uuder the Sapenisiou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. , Our Goods are F rst Cl >ss, and onr pnees are t.*e Iowest Come and be c> uvinced —a triul is s»>licite<l. (2’>. TTTxrKosEs- Mnt»a' (>|o 0RDWAY i l*OKT r.R. iloo.oeon B;ook. b«t»e*viJ Frrt and ' unaeu Made at 3tockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893.