Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 ʻApelila 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Th.orouglibred ; DOGS for Sale l. THE ENGL1SH SETTER , * “ Honolulu Oirl," e Bred ut the Glennjore Kenne’s, Berkele_v, Cala. Registered (N >. 31.lh)8) A. K. C S. B., New York. Sired by 1e* R , winn«r o t D«r!‘ ,r at lh« Pa; eino F»M Tnal at Bakersn«l.i m 1S90. h« by Roduey (9,4901 trom Phrlli»II i'ilKōi, • Rodn«r. the *ir« o( Ie« R., by I >oe D.. from D„ f3.71ōl fiom Phylha II [•» 16ō] iUke [212] from Phj Uis 474. The dkm of Honolala Girl wa* Brl!e GUdston»-, the only daughter oa the Paoilio C-.'astof ehaoipion i.>Uilstono (113); fr>m Zell. (3,S64;.; by D*n, [1,336], frt'm Ch*mpion PoLnel, [S,427]. k THE rOINTER r ‘Honolulu Duke,’ t (30,853), bred at the Shabbonu KeaneU, Ottawa. 111. by D«von»hire Son. (7,S43); from Shurbs, (5,263). The Dam of Honolala Duke i» HelU, by iaek; from Uelle D. by Tnnkett» Bang, (4, ī 17). Honololn Dnke is thoronghly br>>ke on pheasants, with st»uncb . po ; nts—m all-day dog. For further partic«lars. apply to or ac.dress W. M. CUNiMINGHAM, 1 mar 10 Axchop. Saloox. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STR£ET, Mclnerny Block. }\ I JOBBERS OF WIISTKS, and SPI I\ITS CEMENT (qraqite Cui I bing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of $fcone, Coi|ci I ete^piB$tei ( Woi 1^ C0N’CRETE A SPECIALTT. JNO. F. BOWLER. jan!7 3ra H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., j Gbocebt, Feed Store A Bakebt. Comer of . King and Fort SLs., Honolnln I C.T. AKANA j- H|ei f Giiai]t īailop' e i 324 Nuuann Street s -AT1 Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest tStyle. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. nol7 r WANT£D. 18 1 A BEIGIlt BOY MUST HAVE .a, horse to delirer newsp«p©r». , Apply at the HOLOML ? A OF i FICE. Thomaa Blook, Ku>g , 6>li w«t. tf.