Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
l-j.. E, Be^° IMPOETEIi.S*A>*D DEALEKS IN Oroceries, I 3 rovisions JLST> !Feed, EAST CORXER FORT & KING STS. New Goods Rec'd Bv ev?rv Packet from the Eastern States and Enrope. FrVsh California Prodnc« by even steamer. AIl onlers fa:thfn!lv attended t*>, and Go>xls delivere\l to anv part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. IsUnd Orders Solicitod. Sat sf.<ction Gnarantoed. Post Office P»ox N». 145. Te!ephone No. 92.
POl'N I) MASTER’S NOTiCF. Nodc» !' h«pebr pirea to all prr»on», thal there are at thc GoTemment Ponn i *: Sltkiki. th«e str»Teii *n i one hori«. 1 poor win mare, feet are while. br»aded P K. on rght huul les;. 1 poor white mare, «ore-back, hmn-Iei \j Non nght hind le»{. 1 poor red m«re, loni; wbite spot on the forehe*d. br*ndeil H Eon r.tfht hinii lev; and 1 poor red hor«e, bnmd indesmb *bie. Anr person or jwrsous owuing lhese aniinaU are m<nested to con>e and t*ke the s.une on or before 1- o'eloek noou SATLTJ>AV, MAV, i 1S'H. JAM£S KUKONA, Ponnd Maater. Makiki. Apr. 19. 1SSM. apr JO-tf Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T Any Port oi* Landing in the Hawaiian Islauds. lnqnire at ofl5ce of J. S. Wum over | Spreckel‘s Bcuk. feb U-tf. DAD T IPP0]N T Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The above Store h«s received another Spleudid Invoice of Japanese Silk. I ' * Cancy Goods, Per S. S. “China.” —CO.MPRIStSO — BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, i Dress Goods in all shade, plain and tignred. ; Cushioa«, Table Covers, Bed Covers, Gown«, ehemiaea, Shawls. |Silk Ci“;ipe Raiot)ow Si!ks, All Colors Fancy Draperies, EMBBOID£BED HANDKERCH1EFS. Doillies, Scarf', Sa»hes, Jackets, Caps. Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The rricesof these Goods will astonish yon, inc!nding ELEŪANĪ SILK KIM0N081 Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Cossies, L1RGE 1M»S*ILL J.IM\ESE RIGS Silk UnibreBas, Iight bnt strong; Chair Saddles. Silk; Bnmboo Blintī», titfed with pnlleys; Siik Lamp Shades, new style. JAPAXE.SE SCKEEXS. From $3 Fp. L1RUF. J1PiXESF. riBRELLtS r Can be Set with Pole in the gronnd, nioe for Piciucs or Lanches onl o( door8, they eau be openeō out or u:>ed as a tent. COTT()X CRAPES IN GREAT VAR ETV ln-.pection Besp«ctful)y Invited. MRS. J- p. P. COLLACO. Proprietres3. Aprl2-3m8 I LAB0R BDEEAD. THE A.MKKICA.N LEAOUE Begs loave to annoanee that it ; b«8 estali ished an £m|>loyaient Bareau :n connection with the I American Le.igue. We will be pleased to furmsh you witb skilled or nnskdled labor witbout any fee for the engaging »nch labor. Tbe ;«bor enrol!ed with us is of tbe followiog nationalities: Amenean. Portagaese, Hawaiiaa. Oennan, And other Eoropean Nationalikies Cegging leave to opeu a cor j respondence with you on tbii anbjeet. We remain, Your obedient servant3, The Akerica\ Lēaoue Ejiplot | HEXT BUEEAC. Address a!I communicition to THEO. P 8EYERIN, SecreUry. Uiai 2o-|t. P. O. lk»i AJb.