Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 April 1894 — THREEE BULL'S EYES. [ARTICLE]

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The Hecord Made By The Dailey Company. 1 Pink Dominoes. ’ that bright. ; piquant, naughty but niee, and i rollicking comedy was p.resented to a very large audience, ou Saturday eveniug last. «t the ! Hawaiian Opera House, by the merabers of the Daile}’ Stock Co. : The andience present in tbe ; boses, dress crcle and parqaet, were representatives of tl»e l>est | C.f Honoluln society nnd inchuled ■ mauv, very mnnv, persons who , bad witm*ssed the play in great ] cities of the East, and were eon- ; sequentK’ familiar with the ; “worldly” character of tlie pro ; ; duction. That tho actors of the . parts in tlie c»st played well their ] parts, and thut the amlienee, : “missionary” and “healhen” i enjoyed most thoronghly tlie I (louhle entendres was made patent i by the continous applause given ; ] during eaeh act of the perform- ! i anee. The play was most un- t raercifnl!y cut by the manager, i ( but sufScieut life was left iu the r i lines to allow Mr. Darrol Vinton | 1 , to show up most thorooghly his j versitality as au actor in tho funmuking part of Justiu Tubbs, a j . rnost decided opposite to Ednaond | Dantes, tbe Count of Monte i Cristo so successfully personated by him a few eveuings previons. Miss May Xannary bad but little scope but, as osual, acled well, as did others of the cast, ) j notably so Mrs. F. M. Bates who has, in every character presented, , sbown the fiuisbed actress. Miss Josie Gassman had a single j ( | “turn‘’ of her own in the catchy ( ; soug “Won’t you eomo out and playwith a very modest skirt dance. To say that she made a “hit ’isunnecessarj’,sheobtained i an encore nnd very nearly had the ; curtain hoisted agiiu. Connors • ' as Brisket was lively and bad an ; able adjunct iu W. B Ash The audience stayed till the last aod smiles were onall faces on depar- | ture. The suggestion is again giveu to the actors tbat tlie asides and soliioqnies indulged in, back from the footlights, cannot be beard aud many a good |K)int is thus lost to tiie aiulienee. Touight, Forgiveu, and ou Wednes- , d«y evening the society drama, Forget-Me-Not. m