Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 ʻApelila 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

HoNOLrtr. April 12. 1894. ( Alabami pays its leg >1 »tor- $4 per day, The ‘Pansy’ is best and eheapest’> Maine pays its Iegis;.»tors $150 per annnm. Trv the Jones LockeJ Fence for economy I • Wvoroing is the B »by State in the U uion. The Joncs Locked Eenee for strength' Kew York City is built oa 41 square miles. Enclosed with tbe Jones \vire Eonee, Tammanyism wouhl stay therel Chicago has an area of 130square railes. The Aermcttr will scpp!j wate to tbe \vorld! Petersburg, Va., covei*s 3 square . miles. 1 Haviland China leads all others I for boauty! * , The South contains 15.549,358 \vhite ]>ersons and 6,893,806 colored. Onr Oil Stoves for baking save time aud money! Tho votiug population in the UniteJ States, 1890, 13,230,168. The Clauss bread knifc does not make crumbs’ Estimatetl populaiion of the United States, 1864, 56,580,740. The Litt!e Giant R»t Traps are \vonders! Maine \vas a part of Massachussetts until 1820. The Fischer Steel Range burns less fuel thau any others! Nevada has the fewest inhahitants; New York tbe greatest unmber. London bas 4.231,431 iuhabitj ants. Hendry’s Readv M xed i»aints are great spreaders! The G. A. R. bas 403.024 members iu the United States The Hawaiian Hardware Co., leads iu everything! New York States sent 448,850 men in the Union Army. Bird cages either brass or j»ainted wire at Hawaiian Hardware Co! Mississippi h»d 545 men in the Uuion Army. Table catleiy and scissors »»t the Hawaiian Hard\»ure Co! Theosophy was foanded iu New York in 1875. Bradley A Habb;»rd Lamps rivul the sunlight! The typewriter was first tbougbt : of by Henry Mill 200 years a go. Poi Bowls at the Hawaiiau Hardware Co! ; Ohio is the greatest sheep raising State in the Union. The Hawaiian Hardware Co., organized foor years ago, has gone to Ihe top of the ladder by se!ling goods at low prices, and being “ np to date” in eaeh of its many lines. i Tte liwaua Bariware īo., i 307 Fort