Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 ʻApelila 1894 — Popularity. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Advertiser is fall of enlhusiasm and is sobbin" over poor Dole because he actually has attained the donbtfal advantage of i boing 50 years oiel. While some of the terms used in pr.iising liis : ex Honor the ex-judge are not I mul-api'opos we must take u j decided stand against the elaim for Mr. Dole’s popnlarity. He was well-liked enough aaa.mau ! of sporting nnd athletic pro1 clivities. He was harmless and I fair enongh in the evoryday humdrum of life, bnt his taleuts —if they exist —have never bcen very heavilydemonstrated. Celebrating this, his natal day and ! fifty year's jubilee as a citizeu of i the world, a generons araount of bunting was displayed from the yachts Hawaii and Eonnie Dundee. With these represeutitives of the Hawaiian navy we congratulate Mr. Dole on his birthday and on his popularity.