Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — LITEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The tarifl bill is still being debated on in Washington. Hawaiian mitters have been placed on the shelf pro tem. Ad- ! miral W*lker s first report will have a strong influence with the Administration his strong and nnbiased character and stern sense | of right and wrong being well known in Washington. Mrs. Frank Leslie’s ex husband, Wilde. is married again. The strike is still on in the Pennsylvania Coke region. Tbe propose«.l Hawaiian (,'onsti- ■ tution has been pnblished in foreign pa|>ers and is regarded as “not for the people." C. A. Webster of Chicago, the | advertising agent of the Hawaiian Cvclorama is to explore ■ Siberia. Sullivan thinks that Corbett and Jackson will fignt in England, ■ in June. i A crisis is pending inBulg.«ria. , The Amenean Glucose refinery , in Butfalo, N. Y. was burned on tbe 12 mst. Loss $1,000,000. The general consensus of opinion of the Chairmen of State central committees and Democra- j tic National committees with, bnt | one or two exceptions, regard Hill as false to his partv on hceount of the position taken by him ou the Tariffbill. A destructive storm is ragiug in New England inlaud. and along the coast. In Boston, streets are 1 almost impassable frora wreckage . of telephone wires. Many vessels havebeen wrecked off the New Jersey coast. Odette Tyler the actress has refused to marry youug Howard i Gould and has returned her $9.000 engagement ring. Brazilian insurgents were de1 feated at Rio Graude. Pernambuco and Bahia are | reported to have revoltetl against the present government.