Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Thurston’s Latest Talk. [ARTICLE]
Thurston’s Latest Talk.
“I see they have ma slated £or several new positions nnder the Provisional Government, ” said i MrThurston whenseen &t theOccideutal Hoiel last evening. “but there is nothing in it. There no foundation for the stories. Iam going back to Honolulu principally for a pleasure trip and incidentally to assist in the general development. Mr. Hole will remain President. I see no canse that could prompt his retirement. j "Thingsare in an iuteresting condition in the islands jnst at present. The election o( delegates to ihe Constitut»onal Convention in May will be a turning point in the fortunes of the Gov* ernment, bnt I see no reason why the approaching eventa should not be carried throngh as successfnlly as anything that has been ondertaken by the Government thus far. Iam confident everything will pass off smoothly. There is nothing new in Waahington. Thinga are in statu qno. The tariff revision is the all-1 absorbing iheme just at preeent. and the Hawaiian question has been laid aside for the present to give other matten of more immediate importance a ehanee. —ChronicU Apl 14.