Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — Mr.L A. Thurston. [ARTICLE]

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Mr.L A. Thurston.

Tbe roost over-rated, the most UDpopalarand the most ambitious man in Hawaii, returned to Honolnlu by tbe Australia. Mr. Lorrin A. Thnrston, tbe man who never would bold a public office, bot nevertheless, bas held his jiaw in the government pie since tbe begiuning of the p.g. isback. He comes, we are told, to aid with his gigantic brains, Mr. S. B. Dole iu his work of passing a constitution manufactured by little IIatcb tbrough a convention consisting of planters, missionaries aud tbeir subservient tools. Living on government expense, Mr. Tburston bas been abont as uscless in Washington as be proved himself to be as Minister of Interior in 1880. Ho has lowercd the dignity of Hawaii, and of the high cffice held by him. He has started around like a travelling showman carrving his dime-museum with him from town to towu from fair to fair. His Excellency—presumably in uniform—has been seen standing at tbe door of his c\’dorama taking in tickets or found selling them in tho casbier’s booth. He has disgraced Hawaii aud hiraself by exhibitingunder his immediate patronage the lowest and dirtiest hula dauced by the most abandoned of Hawaiian women. He has condemnod in writing and in puhlie speaking the Hawaiian Queen and the Hawaiian peoplo and stigmatized tbem us barbarinns and heatbeus beeauM of tbe hula and he has attempted to eoiu money by having hired prostitutcs pander to tbe vile instincts of civilized (?) humnnity. And it is for this man that the p. 3. has been waiting. It is on tbis fellow tbat our immaoulate government depond in forming n republic. Wbatever he ovcr had u hand in he made a failuro of. As a politician lawyer, financier and diplomat he has ofi1y reapod ridiculo and contempt and even as a showman he has never raised above the averago and if money has been made in tbat business it bas beeu made for bis own pockots and certaiuly not for his deluded and gullible stockholders. lle is arrogant, un. couth aud modiocre in all his tjualities. lf Hawaii’s future is to be decided on by such as he, we say, God help Hawaii.