Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I3usiness (rarcls M. LOSE, Xotarv I^uhlie. ColIector and Gcneral Bus{ne-$s ' Agent. Pafentee of Lose’s Chemic.\l CoMPorxn for Clarifying Cane Juice. $ub-Agent for $evcral of thc Best FIRE IXSVRAXCE COS. Mnlnal '1 ele: hL»n« ■>. P. O. Bos’33S. i?erebant street, Honolnhi. DAN5!KG CLASSES. O'N’ LY D.\NTIMG CLA&> s ’l be U chanqeri fr >m tbe Dku.(. Shed t.. \ Rioy Hall. whieh be h iente i f->r TfHiSDAY. THf’RSDAY and S.\TURDAY ot e..ch A.eek. i’he s ,tnrl iy orvr .”iz-J el i<s for C niWrer will na>et nt the Arl..u H *ii at 2 o’ei iek S .t T ir i y «Heni •■* i. Apr I Ttb. i)u Tnes nv eren i«». A:*ril 10tu. nt * o’cl<>ck, i. ciass will be f.irme.i for ?.Icn an.l H >ys. On Thnrsd«y ;ift .rnv>n, nf 3o’e’.u \irii 12th, .. s|Vdttl cl.»s< will ba fo.ui«l for II *.iin»s. Tt;e cii.rrt'-. for ;»11 .ia\ Pnpils wi’l 1« 2ō <enfs a lessoa. 0:i the ils-,ve dnvs 'Ir. Ly >u e.iu be seea at the Hiill frotu 9 u. 12 3fi.i4 2t Clty53 Meat Market Oppo. Queeu Eaima Hall, EstablisbedJ18S3. JOS. TINKER, F^ily bUtcH_ē^ Malcer of the\Celchrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tr.Y Them. Meat Delivere.l to Any Part of tue City aud Suburbs. Mutual īelephono Xnmber 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHLMANU ST., Llonolulu. : : tl. 1. GENERAL am> Commission %-*■ -*4- Merchants — AND — SUGAR FACTORS. \GFNTS FOR LioTds :— hniiah and Foreign Maiine Insnraaee Compttur, I.iruited. \orthem A>snniiice Co, tire & life. Pioneer Liue of Paekele frum Lireipool. Hawaiian Line of Packcts. Canadlan Pacific Railway Co. am> Ca T iailiin-i n ;Straliiii St-3amslilii Co. L3vk«pocl Or>: e; Tbe AIba«y, 05d Hall St. leOUMa 3RUGE & A. J. CARTWRICHT 5os:ne-s o( » Fidnaary N itnre Tr>asttcted. Pmmpl attentk>n RĪTec to tbe m»nagemenf o( EaUlea, Ga tr ii-;aihips, Trust».j etc.. ’etc., etc. OJfisr*, : Carttcright Buildmg, Mercbznt StreeC Uoaohila. CHAS. GIR0LER, Importer aud Comtnission Merchant? SPECXALTmS: i. k P. CoaU’ Maeone Thie*1 L>a« Brock>’ Maehiaa Thitt*d Barboar>*Liaea Thftt*d Pe*-»’ 8>>-r P. O. Bjj Matni , ( U UnabUvtf. —...