Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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IZE ED. A.nheuser-13usch Brewing Co. Wi m the J?r\ze at the "\V"od d's with their X£A.GrL iii J3raiifl X3eer. Sx Lours. O i. 2S. 1393. Messrs. Macfap.laxe & Co., L‘d v , Honolnlu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We ljave mailefeyona coj>y of tiie GIobe-Democrat announein" tlie gre.it victory won bv the A\aErsEa-BcsH AssociatIOX with their “EAGLE” BrauJ of Beer. [Sigueii]] ANHEUSEE-BUSH BEWING ASSOCIATION*. i 5 S5 ■k 98 .TKAC-. VARtf 'S 'A * e? 9C U. 2 S % iT * £ % 9 <3S R15HIS 2 V- »? - *•« In ordering this Beei besnretoask fur tho “EAGLE’ J Bmnd. Atacflirlane & Co., Mnr. 14 —2md. A<jentsf>r Hui'iiinn Idands. AT THE CLUE STA3LES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. s. Made ut Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1833. Sirt>. Proinpter, 2,305. by Bl> o Bull. 75: D.mi, Orace. hy Bnc?uneer, 2,656. Pix>mpfer is *>ls.> the Sire of Apex, 2:26; 226\; W !ker 2:2.1.; \V-tles 2:27!; Chic», 2:24: iind of the Diinis l!rilliaatine. 2:17 and Vigor, 2:2S. is jet bl <ck, oue hmd while foot aml emall atripe in f lee. \Vei~ht, 1.050 p'inn U; i-; very stylish, g>nrle, a good prodncer >md m gauie laooliowe, Will st in l for u liant 1 nuuib r of nars a‘ I FIKTV (?50) DOLl.AbS FOR TUE SFASOX, p>y ible at tia;e of servic.>. This h >re> was bred ia 1S02 to forty-six mares aud proJuce,l forty-two co ts. feb 17-im 13 L113.WIS. OSDWAT k P0RTER, , Robinsou BIocl\ Hotd St., helieeen Fort and Xuuann f Have Ju?t Ta* \« d. ]< r I rlf A nitr '*•. ilf i.- ? • »!■ < cf EUK MIUEE Ever lmj orted to f is Cruntry. Comi risiug Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets 1n Soli<l Onlī. andoJ th: LA Id.STDI.S!G.\S. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N T 1SCALLGD TO THESE sETS: wxek:ek. ware, Beaut ful Des gus «'f Wiek r W ;re. cou-ist ng of SOFAS, CHA1KS. KOCKERS. eto..y;>u ean get thcse in rny j Fl>iISH v > 1 desire. CHAIRS, Countlessnumbersof CHAIKS. in every stvle, i dnding OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. zn^,ZB , L We have had 11 nn*nber of calis f*r these 1 Hv. s. \vith CHAIRS nmtch. We have now in stock th>> nu st BEAUT1FUL DINING RQ0h1 FURNITURE EVEK SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and Chiffoniers rr JD I NS.7 )ivans coveml vrith POKTIEKS ;iro bee >miug quit« the nge in laee of LOl*NGES -vre mannf.»ctar,- t ;ou» to c r,ler, aiul have a :uge stock of FOKTIEl»S to sel ct fro:u. BED3DI2TG-. }re it Assortment of WOVE > * WIKE MATTRESSES—Spring,H ir. Joss. Wool and Stn»w Mattressos on »»and aud in»de to order. HVE GEF,SE FEATHERS «ihI SILK FLOSS L-r Pdlons. CKIBS, CKADLES ctc. WINOOW SHADES of all colors and s‘z s. CORMCE POLES. in wood or br ss tr»am»ings. IE3 23 £=>-<&- G~tIattressos, Lounges and all Upholstored Farr,iture repaired at r**asonable n tv«. ?ABINET MAKINO. in all its brtuches. by C.*n>Deae.»t Workmen kIATTING LA»D "nd Int rior Deoor>ti g nnder the Saperv.siou of \li GEORGE ORDWAY. Oar Goods r»r<* F rst Cl*s«. and 'nir pr c**s are f>e lovrcst Come md e nvinctrd —a (ri <l is sl e ted Be’l 52ō. TKLErnoxrs; Mnt«mi 6lō. iRDWAY »v PORX£B. Hoh.iiWA Wlwoea Fort aud Nuuaou