Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Thoroughbred DOGS for Sale THE ENGL1?H SETTEU “Honolulu Oirl, v Bret.l at the C«lennjore Kenne’<. Berke!ey, C*la, Kecistere.l N->. 31.09S> A. īv. C S. B., York. by I .>■ R . »u;neT ot IVrt r »S tb* P*; cifk' Cu*st FieW Tnsl »s R»k.rv;'ciJ iu l«a». ht> bv Roducr »9.490' Sn>m FbrUuII 2, Ro»lncr, thc »irc oI R.. br Doc D., £rom K*ie f)., 13,715] from rhrU;* II [2.165] lUk« {212] frōm Phyi:is 474. , The of Honolala (.iiH wu Bclic iiUilsti>nc, thc oniy iUaghtcr on the P*ctt;c Coast ol Ctuuupion OiiiUoM 113': from Zell, (3.564).; by IUn. {1.3361, hvm Cb*mpion Petrei, [8,427]. THE POINTEK ‘Honolulu Duke,’ (30,853), brod at the Sbabbona Keonels, Otlawa, 111. by TVrcnshiw Son. (T,S43l; fr"m (5,363). The Dam of Honoinla Dnkc u Bclle, by J»ck; frum Be!le D. by Tnnkett's Baug. (4, ī 17). Honololn Dukc is thorooijhlv broke on pheasants. with stauucL po>nts—an all-day dop. For furthor particulars. apply to or address t W. M. CUNNINGHAM, mar 10 A.\chob Saloo\. CALIFORNIA Wine Compaiiy 407 F0RT STREET f Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS 0F WINE8, and SPI 1\ITS Oemeni iEpp ASD Curbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of $tone, CoqcFete \ pia^ei 1 Woi 1^ C0\CKETK A SPECIALTT. JNO. F. EOWLEK. jao!7 3i.j H. E McINTYKE A BBO.. Gbocebt. Feeo Stobe A Bakebt, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honulnln C. T. AKAXA Tai!or 1 3*24 Nnuanu Stre©t All Suiti* Ouarantee<l To Fit &nd in tbe L*te*t k Style. Clothes Cleaned and Kepaiml. no!7 WANĪEO. A BRIGHT boy must have a hurse to de!irer newpapen. Applv al tbe HOLOMUA OF FICĒ, Xbont&4 Bloek. K.ug Slr«vt. II.