Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Church Services. [ARTICLE]
Church Services.
The services of the Cathedr.sl Congregation of St. Andrew’s Cathedral for tomorrow are as follows: 6:30 a.m., Holy Com munion; 11 a.m., raorning service and sermon; 7:30 p.m., evensong and sermon. Tho services of the Second ; Congregation of St. Andrew’s Cathe<lral toraorrow (Sunday) will l>e as follows: 9:4ō a.m., Holv Communion with sermon; Sanctus and Kyrie. smart in G: hyrans ' 3-49 and3*23; Nane Diraittis. Ēlvey in A; 6:30 p.m., evensong with sermon: M*gniflcat, Duboisin G: Nune Diraittis, Gilbert in F; Anthem. “If Ye Love Me. Keep Mv Commandiuents.” by Monk; hymns, 210, 189 and 28. All are invite<l. At the Ceutral l’nion Church. t cor. of Beritania and Kiehanl sts. services will be held as follows: : Sunday School at 9 -45 a.m., Publie Worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m, The Youug PeopIe’s Soc - I ety of Christiau £ndeavor wt)i meet at 6:30 p.m. Allare cordialy ly iurited to these services. The Y. M- C. A. members will hold serr;ces on Snnday. 11 a.m . |at Oahu «fa.il; 1:13 p.m.. at the Barracks; 330 p.m., Bible stndy at Y. M. C. A.; 6:30 p.m , Gospel praise service at Y. M. G. A. Keorganized Courch of Jesus Cbrist of Latter D«y Saints Mililani Hail, rear of Huose. Servioes will ba held on Sanday as follows; 10 a. ra , | BibU elaaa; 11:15 a. u>. and 7:30 i p. m. *