Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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The registn- has tooched 1300. The League flag ia fljing: no rain. i Tbe Monowai arrived oot in 7 days 3 hoors on the 13th. Captain Hoodlette brought the Australia in on time thLs morning. Mr. L. A. Thorston, wife and mother retnrned hither by the i Australia this morning. -- ... Business continnes most dull in all lines of trade. But little cash j in circolation. Pink Dominoes tonight at the Opera House; “standing room“ ou!y is verj- probable. - 1 iee consul-general W. H. ! Boyd snd wife returned by the Australia. Aloha. Eveuts for Sunday rifle shootI ing at Makiki butts by p. g‘s. Probably band concert by the other p’s. g’s. — fhe Planter, Capt. Dow, airivI ed in San Francisco on the 13th in 14i days, beating the S. G. Wilder a balf-a-day. — Mr. L. C. Ables has arrived back in thne to discover that he is a full-flodged candidate for a delegate to the one- sided eon- | vention. — Both the Attorney General and Minister of Foreign Afldirs are absent from their posts. Smith is believed to bave gone to Hawaii to look up the missing i Hitohcock. — 1 Doctor, lawyer (?), secretary, librarian, registrar of elections, etc., etc., Kodgors, 01iver Twistliko asks for “more’’ oftice, and now pleads to bo : Secretary of tho Board of Education. The Portugueso had ia grand colebration last eveniug at thoir sand lot, corner of Beretania and Punehhowl streets. Music by tho ouly band; firew’orks and feastiug were also on the programme of events. Conrt Camoes, Aucient Order of Foresters, by their Chief Rangor, F. W. Wood, is issuing invitations to a social and dance at the Kuights of Pythias hall Fort street, on next Tuesday evening, April 24th. — The eutertainment giveu by tbe minstrel troupo of H. B. M. S. Champion last eveuiug, at the Opera House, did uot receive the patronago whieh the quality of the j>erformancedoserved. lt may ibo rej>oated in the uear fnture | under more auspiscous circumstaucos That old familiar oyster, newly dredged and cauned, will be one of the sj>ecialties whieh Senator Cnuningham is again prepared to preseut to his customers. Au “ovster eoekiail followod by a glass of sparkliug. eool, Fredericksburg beer, is au iudulgence far better thau a “poneh” at the Feast of Natioua. Tbe commander iu-chief - with tho-rank-of Colonel, J. H. Soper. who is having his Oilucation paid for by j>oor. ignorant, heaiheu Hawaiiana. j>aid a visit to the Australia on the day of the vessel leaving Sao Franc:sco, in fmil uni/onn. He was the cynosure of all eyes, but many a j>oiuted joke was j>assed at bis exj>ense when it was learned how he was obtaining his livmg. The managersand box-agent of the Dailey Co, have comj>lained of the bother given them by the applicatious for tiekets to the matinee whieh was stated in the Holomua, only, would take plaee this afternoon. The statemeut waa only an anticij>ation of the dat« there *riU be a malinee. there will be a good jvrformance, Peek’a Bad Boy wiH be play«Kl, it will be on a Saturday, but Aj>ril 2Sth instead of April 2Ist. j The inqu:rios m«de shows that i eveiybody roada the UoLonea.

— — Major odehosse, Her 6ritish Majesh* s Coa>missiotier. visited tfce FIagship PfciUdelphia and French coivetle Dachaufianlt yesterday, receiving the uanal } honors. Thauks are teudered by the HoLo»rA to Parser McCombe Chief Officer Lawless. and Sargeon Soule of the Australi« for news farors. Mrs. Bates, Miss Gene Nannary, Misa Gassman and Messrs. Dailey and Connors will provide many laaghs this evening for the visitors to the Opera Honse. The schooner J. W. Weatherwai cleared from San Francisco on the 13th for Hilo. The S. X. Castle sailed the same day for i this port. Colonizing is now being practiced bv the p. g. voters. Col. G. W. Macfarlane will not become a Benedict before the l7th prox. The Hawaiians at the “Gone to Seed City” Fair are desirous to return to Hawaii, but ShyIock Sesser s;iy3. “it is not in the ;bond.” ! TLe Post-ofiice etnployees, with the exception of three, have taken the oath aud registered. Tho be-heading act is still being performed by the Christian p. g’s, the latest “dull sickeuing thnd” beiug made by the head of William Auld, the eapahle honestv and trustworthy Superintendent of the Inaane Asylum. Whose head next ? A step Father ' The Portuguese, by promission of the central Union p, g’s, will hold a political moeting iu the drill shed to mor- ! row afteruoon at 2 o’eloek. Ke- . member this mocking of the Sabbath Day. 0, Hyde and Bisbop and Emerson and Dolo aud the Y. M. C. A. Now that tho great Hawaiian race day is approaching borsemen . will naturally be interestod in reading something relative to Harry .Agnew who, as Senator Cuuningham puts it, “was here in the palmy days.” The Breeder and Sportsman says, Harry Agnew has a large number of two-year-olds by Dawn, 2:18J, that he is to train especially for road use. No handsomer or better matcbed roadsters will be fonnd |iu California than they. Solid chestnuts aml bays are the prevailiug color.” “Maud, tho paej ing mare, dropped a fine bay filly ' sired by Dawn, late1y. Harry Aanew savs that it is the handsomest one the little queen has had.”