Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AKD Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street. - Honololu Families. Plantations and Ships supplied w;th ehoicest European &American Groceriejt California Produce by Even-Ste-\mer. OCEANIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL LINE, S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrire Honolnla Leare Honolnln from S, F, ror S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. < Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19’ May. 26. June 16 June 23. Thro\i"h. T<<ino. From San Fran. for Sydney. Arrive Honoluln 15 12 !0 7 5 Q 30 27 From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honolulu. Manposa Mar 8 Monowai Apr 5 Alameda May 3 Mariposa M«y 31 Monowai June 2S Alameda July 26 Mari poaa Aug 23 Munowai Sept 20 Alameda Oct 18 Lon^ Branch BATHING Establi^.hment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is tbe best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Satnrdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. C.SJ. SHERWOOD Proprietor. NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing between Frederick Harrisou and Arthur Harrison, nnder the firm name of Harrison Bros. as Contractors and Bailders, haa been.bvmntual consent dissolved, and all parties owing said £rm are hereby notified that payment of the same must be made to Frederick Harrison, who is nuthorized to settle said bnsiness within thiity days from date. Frederick Harri.so.v, Arthur Harrisos. Houolulu, H. L, March 27th, 1894 mar 28—1 w. UEWIS i C0.. Wholesale r and Retail 6ro / f AND PROVISION DEALERS. mSR CAUF08NU 5AIM0N ON1CB Bj Erery Bm Pnneūeo Steamer. Salt Salhon IV BaRR£L3 'A Specialty. in Hono'u'u. Teti\i4o, P- O. Box 29?.\