Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — WHOSE WAS IT? [ARTICLE]
Deputy Surveyor Ruddel and Inspectors Holmes and Clarke ; were waiting for the steamer : Queen to dock this morning, with the expectation of making a big seizure of opium. They had I received a tip from yictoria that a lot of the contraband stuff was comiug down on the vessel and i they were ready’ for it Every case and trhnk coming out of the ; bold was carefnlly examined, but |to no purpose, and the strict ! vigilance was to be called off whon two cases raarked “ReT, ! Father Mendolin, Molokai, Haj waiian Islands,” were Iunded on i the dock and they caught the i suspicions eyes of the inspector. j The shipment was consigned to John D. Spreckels Bros. Cora- ' pany, and the contents were described as “books and clothing.” Rev. Father Mendolin is tbe Catholic priest in cbarge of the Hawaiian leper settlement on the island of Molokai and the cases were to be forwarded to him by one of the Spreckels Brothers’ steamers. The cover was ripped off and a layer of neatly packed clothes and books exposed, but under them 600 five-taei tinsof opium were found. The second case contained only 200 tins and it was packed like the first. The two cases were shipped by C. MeNili of Victoria, B. C. It was evidently the intenti°n of the smngglera to sell the stuff in Hawaii. where tbe profits would be mueh larger. Had the 1 cases passed the customs ofiicial3 here they would most likely have ; been safely landed at Honolulu. — S. F. Kxaminsr Apr. 11.