Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 ʻApelila 1894 — Not Yet Heard From. [ARTICLE]
Not Yet Heard From.
j His Honor tbe Cliief Justice bas not yet {urnished the ex- ! pianation reqtested in the Holo mi’a of yesterday, concerning the ! land deal at Pawaa. The puhlie. are vitully interested in knowing that the administration of justice ' in our courts is conducted upon principles of disinterestedpnrity. They are therefore particularly interestcd in knowing whether His Honor m accepting the important and sacred trust of representing the Brown children in ° . the litigation mentioned, is at all liahle to bo embarrassed in h is defense of their interests by a consideration for the interests of j tbe Judd chi!dren Later information received by tbe Holomua. is to the ctlect that the conveyance by Mrs, Brown to the children has actnally bee« made, and that tho interest ofthe Judd children hasactuall3' vested. The whole affiiirs wears an unpleasant andugly aspect whieh : is not iu the least improved by the ominous, 'and somewhat too eloquent silence of His Honor, the Chief Justice. Corae; Mr. Juddi! the puhlie are getting anxious on this questiou. Let us hear from vouI!