Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — THE CHOSEN ONE. [ARTICLE]
Hqr? Has Trc M:ghty Pallen, Mr. H. W. Severance ia anxioos to get a job. The gectleiEan has never, so far,displayedany abilitv that conld jas;ify him in hol«ling an ofiice or aspiring to ene, bnt be bas nevertheless in former days been inv !sted by the distin- \ gnisbed aothority of a Hawaiian ConsuI-gener il to San Francisoo and by the do. do. of an Ameriean Consnl-g5neral to Hanaii. His incomi>eiency in those positions is a matter of history. His “departnre :'rom his Hiwaiian ; oftice is well sccounted fo •. Now. we hear, he is to be made Secretarv o; the Board of Edncation. TLe dismissal by the old women, who now rnn that establishment. of Mr. Smitk was an ontrage, and is now to be followed by a yet more eonspicnous outrage—the appointment of Mr. Severance. To beeome a clerk in a department of the goverument after having run aronnd as a Consul General of America is jretty bad, but we wonld Lke ta know before the appointment s raade, if the exConsul Generul is an Araerican citizen or a Hawaiian. lf the first he cannct hold oflloe here; : if tbe last lie never sbould have b en allowed to disgraee the Stars auel Sti ipes by represeuting the United States Government. Whataver way it goes the o!d women who, uuder tho snperi vision of Mr. \V. R. Castle, rnn the Board sbc uld go slow before expu.sing the r stupidity and ignorance iu selecting Mr. H. AV. 8everance foran officein Hawaii.