Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JJatiūnaI Iron Wop^ Qr£ix Sntirr, Between Aiakea A Kiehani St« The unt>ersigxed to m&ke fil kxsdi of Iroa Em Broax. 21ac, Tm ud L«*d CAl»> G«&er*2 Bepūr Sbop fcf Ste«ia Kiee ktilK Corn MilU. Wkter Wke«U, \Vmd WīH», eu\ kUekinee fcr tke CW&iag oi Coff«e, Ca*Ur Oik. Peuu, Kawie. SuaJ, Plaeapple Lmt«« ± ot htt Fibtou» Pl*ata,' Aad Paper SXock AJ»o Meehiaee for Estncting Sterch !rom th« Menioe, Arrow Boot, etc. AIl Order» proEptiy atte&ded to. WHITE. RITMAN CO. THE Piwol Goverameūt OFFIClAL LIST OF ME.M BERS AND LOCATION OF BUREAUS. Eircrriri Con»cii. 9. B. IVi’,e. Prpst*1#nt o t t*i« Proridon*! *V»Terament -»f ths H Ialand«, «nd MtnUter of Fnrefen Aff»1re J. A. Kln». Mini5tcr '*f the tnterior. 9. M. D»mm. '’inUterof F1n«nce. • W. O. 9mlth. Att*>rney-Generml. Ai>visobt Corxcn. W. r. Wfl<1er. Vlc<* Pre»Ment «f the Prprlrton«! GoTernmcnt of tbe Heweilen I«’«nd<i. C. Bolte. Ceeil Brewn, John Nott, John Ene. J»me« F. Momn Ed. ? hr. Jo». P. ' , e*’d'->ne*. Che». T. H-xl<iers. eonnell*. Jobn Fmme!oth, E. I>. Tenner, W. F. Allen, Henry Weterhon»e. A. Vimnr. F. M. H«tch. Secret«ry E*. ■ d Adr STPRE>fl Court. Hon. A. F. In<ld, Chl»f tll«tic». Hon. R. F. Bickerlon. Flr*t *s«<icl«te Jnattce. Hon. W. F. Fre»r. Second A.«*vl«le Ju»tlce. Penrv 9mith, fhief clerk. Geo. l.ne ». Depnty Clerk. C. F. Peter»on. Seo >nd Depnty Clerk. J. W«Iter Jone». Stenographer. CiRcrrr Jcdges. Fir»t Circuit: j« ( O-hn 9oeond Cimslt (M»nO A. V. Kepoikai. Th>rd»nd Fonrth Circ"lt» (H»w«H)8. U Au»tln Flfth Clrcuit: (K«u«l) J. H«rdy. Ofllce» «nd Conrt-room ln Court Hon»e, Kini »treet. Sittlnir In Honolnlu—The (1r»t Mo’id«y ln Febni«ry, M«y, Aniu>t «nd ScTember. DKP«BTRSXT0F FOUIGN AF7AtK». Offlceln C«pito1 KulMIn*. Klng »treet. Hl« Excellency S«nford B. Do!e, Mlnl9t«r of Forelsn Aff»lr». Oeo. C. Potter, Secret“rr. W. Hor«ce Wright, Lionel H«rt, CIerk». DiPAmiKXTor Iimuoa» in Eieeullee Bnitding, King »treet. HL» Eieellenep J. A. Klne. Mlni«ter of Interior. Chfef C1er«. John A. H»s» nger As8l5ta.1t CIerk»r J«me» H. Boyd, M. K Keohok»!oie. 8tephen Mahanln, George C. Ko»« Edward 8. Boyd. BCUAC OF AO«tCCLTCR* axd Fo«r-<T*r. Pre»Ment- H1« Eieellenee the Mtnl«ter of Inter|or. Wm. O Irwin. Allin Herbert. John En», Jo«eph U <r>d>"i, Commissioner «nil Secret«ry. Chieps of Bc«kac», Ixtkbio« Dcpabthkxt 8’irTeyor-Gener»l. W. n. V’ex«ndcr. Snpt. Pnb! e Work«, W. E. Ro«-eli. Bupt. VV«tcr Work». Andrew Bro«rn. ln»peetnr, E’ectric Ught». John r««idy. Rcir1»tr»r «IC -iiieeaoee», T. 0. Thrnm. Ro«d 9npenL»or. H >noinla. W. II Cnmtainr«. Chief En«rineer Fire Dent.. J«». H. Hunt. Supt. In.»ane A»ylum, Dr. A. McW«yne. DEPARTaKXT OF Fl5AJ»Cl. Office, Eiecutlre BuiMlng, Klng »treet. yinl»ter of Fln«nce. Hls Exccllency 8- M. Iwmnn, A>idltor-Oener«!. Oeorge J. Ro*«. Rt*ki»tr«r of AeeeunL», W. G. A«hley. Cterk of F1n«nce Offlce, E. A. Melnemy. Col!ector-GenerBl of Cnitom, J<». B. C«atle. T«x Asse»«>r. Oahn. J m». Sh <w. Deputy T«x A«ies*or. W. C. Weedon. P u «tmaster-G«nera!, J. Mort Oat, Cc»roHS BcbkaC. Offlce, Custom Hou«c, E«pl*n«d>-, Fort »tre«t. Coiierfor-OeneT»I. J««. B. c«»tle. Depnty-Co> ,eeu>r* F. B. Mc9toeker. H»rborm»»ter, Oapuin A. Fuller. Port 9nrveyor. M. » ē»nder». 8torekeeper, George C. 8tr»:emeyer. DKPAKT»rXT OF ATTO«_»lT-0KXIBaI_ Offlce ln ExeentlT« Bulldla*. Kln* ttreet Attomer-Oeneni). W. O. Smith Iiepnty Attorner.Gener«l. G. K. Wllder. C!crk, J. M. Kea. Manhai. E. G. HUeheoek. Clerk U> M-r«h«!. H. M. Dow. I>eputy M«reh«l. Arthur M. Browu. Jailor o»bu Prt»on, J. A. I»w. Pri*on Physlcian, Dr. C. B. Cooper. BoaBD OF IWn«RATTOX. Pre»iden!. H1« Ex(e!!ener J. A. Klng. Member of tbe Bo«nl <>f ImtaS<T»tton: Hoo. J. B. Atherton. J«-«. B. C«*tle," Hon. A. 9. eieeh-m, J«me» O. Speacer. M*rk; P. linMa» n. 8eereury, Wr*y T«yior. Board of Hkas.tr. Offlceln *rocnd» nf C.iurt Hou»e Bixlldlnff . comer of MUilao! «ad Quoea streets. Members: Dr. Dbt, Dr. Sf1ner, Dr. Aadrew», J. T. W«terboow Jr . iohn Bn». Theo. F. Lansl a* «nd Attomey-Oeaerai 3taixh. Pre»Ment—Hon. W. O SmJ:h. Secretary—eha», Wtteox. Execntlre Offloer—C. B. Reyaeld». Iaipeetor«nd M«n«gerof Garbece Serrlee U L Lm PVrrre. In«peetor—O. W. C. Jooes. fart Phjnrtrt«n, Dr. O. B. Andrew». rn»pcn««ry, Dr. H. W. HowanL Leper Se(t2emedt, Or. R. K. i-Hlret. Boaro or Ej>cc*rto». Oourt Hoose BctCding, Kln*>treetPiertdent. Hoo. C. IL BL«hop. 8ecre**ry, W. J«me« Smith. ltupecwr ol aehooia, A. T. Alkinaon. Dt»r»icT Cocat. Poiloa 5uclon Bn1tdlng, Mereh*n: »’ne< i 4 *- B"ber»son, M -jrtwi Rte. J«<nh« A. n»oe>Twno, CH»Pm