Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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* l-j, E, Mc!nty^ ē Bi^o rs Grroceries, 3ī x rovisioiis A>T> Feed ? EAST OOKNEK FORT Jt KING STS. New Goods Recd Bv everv Packet frora the Eastern St»\te5 antl Enrcpe. Fresh C.nlifōrr.ia Prodnce bv every steamer. A’l onlers faithfollv attende<l b>, and Goo<ls 'leliveretl to anv part of the city FREE 0F CHARtrE. Island 0rders Solicitetl. Sat sfaction Guaranteeil. Post Office Box N ». 14ō. Te!ephone No. 9“2.

POt'ND MASTEK S NOTICF. N*otio« is hrPfbr jiT«n t.> »11 p»?rs.->n». th»t there are at the <iovernmtfnt Ponnd «t JI«kīki. th«« »tr*r?d m«ies «n 1 one hor-f. I poor n>an marv. fttfl *re wliittf, br*ndtfJ P Kon rjtkt hiii i !<?g. 1 poor white mare. s.ire b«ck, lmmleii N ou rght hind 1 pooT mi ciitre. lōag while spit on tbe • fottfhr;»d, brHnJ«-d H E on nght hind Jtfg; and 1 poor re>i horstf, brand ;n ltfscnbHbItf. Any persoa or p»-rs.ins ownmg thtfse animals are reqntfsttfd to oome and 1 take th« same on or btff->re 12 o'eloek noon SATUPvDAV, M VV. *. l.VU. JAMKS KUKOKA, Ponn.i Ms*tor. M.ikiki. Apr. 19. apr 3#-tf Capt. Wm. Davies, \JNTER-!SLAND PIL0T KOK Any Port or Landing in the Hawaiian Islands. lnqaire at oiEee of J. S. Walkkk orer Si rtfcttfi's Bank. feb U*tf. DAINIPPOX Hotel street (Ar!ington Block.) The abore Store h;s retfeive<i another Spielidid linoiee of fl APANE5E SiLK, I ' ' "p ANCY QoODS, ) J Psr S. S. “China." —COMI*RISI.VG—BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in all shade, plaiu and fignred. Cushions, Table Covers, Bed Covers, Gowns, Chemises, Shawls. Silk (i’iipe liaiiiliow Silks, All Colors Fancy Drapcries, EMBR9IDERED HANDXĒRCHIEFS, Doillies, Scarfs, Sashes, Jackets, Cai>s, Etc., Etc XOVELTIES: The Prices of thtse Goods will astonish yon, inclading ELEOaNĪ SILK K!M0NGS! Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Cassies, L4R«E 4M) SM41.L JlI'4SF.SE Rl*«S Silk Unibre"as, !iaht bnt strocg; Chair Saddles, S;lb; Baraboo Blinds, tit»ed with pulleys; Silk Lamp Shades, uow style. ,Jr .% >ESE SCREKN>, From fp. LllKaE J4P4>ESE L«IUiELL4S ' Can be Set with Pole in the gTT>nnd. \ niee for Picuics or Lnnches ont of doors, tbey ean be opeued out or used as a teut. C()TTON CRv\PES IN GREAT VAR ETY £jp"Inspection Respectfaliy Invi’e-1. M?.S. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Ap-12-'5m3 LAB0R BUREAŪ. THE A.MEKieA.N LEAGU£ B. gs k tve to annoauee that it • has est »b isbecl «n Einplnvinent B <reni ;ii c<mnection with tbe Ameneau JLe igao. \\e will be pleased to furnisb yoa with skilled or unskdled iabor without ! anv fee for the eugaging such 1 Ial>or. The a!»or enmlled with ns is of the ful!owing nation.dities: Amenean, Purtngaese, Hawaiian. Gennu. And other Earopean NationaIities Begging leave to open a correspondence with yoa on this sabject, We remain, Toar obedient servants, The Amepjcax Le.»gce E«ployMENT BCKEAU. Addressall communicition« to THEO. P. SEVERIN, S»cret»ry. ma: 2>-ti P. O X5o»‘ S