Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 ʻApelila 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Aastralia tomorrow. with qcws dates to lbe 14th inst The cocccils had the osual roonkey and parrot time ycsterday. A delegation from the Salvation anny is expected here in the near fatnre. Fredericksbnrg beer and oyster cockt»i s will be renewed at the Anchor tomorrow. The members of the new Mannerchor club are showing good results in their practice. Crowds of people were watching the whales otf Long Branch to-day. Fine weather today as indicated by Ihe display of the League tlag, on the uupuid 5or pole. The p. g. snpporters of tiie 3rd district are expect to have a “merry war” in their eamp at the meeting to night. The performance at the Opera Hoose on S.iturday evening will be Pink Doruinoes, a rollicking comedy, fiom start to finisb. The matinee tomorrow at the Opera House will be a grand ehanee for Iadies aud children to wituoss an amnsing performance. Two o{ the thorongbred-bred dogs otfered for sale by Mr. W. M. Cunningham liave heea sold by him to a well known dog fancier for a low, but fair, price considering the times. Tho dogs aro well trained and have first class pedigrecs. Tho arrival of people Iate at tlio thoatrical performances and creating a stir on entrance denotos the panenu not the lady or gentlenian of edncation and enlture. Tiie euiiaiu rises promptly at 8 o’eloek eaeh evening and patrons should be on time. “Now” said the senior Captain to a witness in a late gaming c:ise *'what does a mnn do when he has a good haud in poker?” The witness aaswered, “He bets.’’ “And what does he do when he has not a good hand?" qneried tboCaptuin. “Well,” sa : d the witness “he plays p. g..” “Explain yonrself,” said the qnestioner. “Why,” answered the wituess, “he blutfs'” 8miles.