Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
i [\Ve do not hold onrselves responsibl* for j the opinions or the ntterances of our I correspondents.] j Editor Holomua: | Soine time at»o is speaking with a gentleinau about the election campaign of 1887, he spoke about a conversation he hail with the Rev. 01eson at that time, when J ' Oloson advised tbe sowing of ! discord between the Natives and Portnguese. The gentleman (a government official) asked for what purpose? lVhen 01eson said, it is our I intention to bring on a war be- ; tween the Natives and Portnguese. in ordor to split the vote. The gentleman said, he would lend a hand to no such rascality, whieh ended in the gentleman ordering 01eson out of his house; and he went. Of such is the character of 01eson, a gospel preaching polilieal sharp, whoeame bere. a tramp. withont a dollar; and left ; withmoremoneythanheeverown- i | ed before. got by acting as school- ; j teacher to native children —and is ! i now, one of the main props of 1 Stevens’ best “civilization” in : i Hawaii-nei. Aud that, dear : reader, is the source of either i 01eson, Thurston and Hastings, j (all birds of the same plumage) from whieh there is not the least i donbt, that the “morning glory” j 1 receives its trashy lies from Washington,such as “Theophilus in Washington,” etc., in order to gnll the puhlie. But it gulls no one eieepl those too ignorant to understand the wiles of the hypocrite. Oalpe.
— Editob Holokua: Can yoa iell me, if it is so, tbat sereral members of the p. g. have refused to register aud take the prescribed oath? Is it not neoessary forDole, Hatch, King, Smith and the others to take the oath and register if they are to vote? 1 Do they need to swear that they will support themselves? Is Mr. Hatch still an American citizen or is he a natnralized Hawaiian or does he stand? Please answer a Constant Beader. £We should be pleased to furnish our corre6pondent with the desired infonnation, but we reallv can’t dc it. We understand that a nnmber of the Cooncillore hare declined to take the oath for 1 different reasons—ono of them baing in regard to tbe effect on tkeir «mMnahip. »ho«hi 1
think that the Ministere ought to swear to support themselves—nobody else will. Mr. Hatch at pre«ent *‘stands' on Maui, where he performs a little job for Claus Spreckels. Can’t tell what be is, bnt shouldn't wonder if be could be traced to Jerosalem. Er.
The presents every imiieation of having a new Editor-in-chief. Tbe law demamls the name at the bead of tbe ediiorial eolumn.