Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — On The Warpath. [ARTICLE]
On The Warpath.
i It is rumored tbat iheM’. C. T. j U. bave decided tbat all "disgracefully” earned raoney at the Feast of Nations, must go to some Hawaiian charitable institution. and cannot be touched by the dainty fiugers o( the ladies forraing that “alphabetic” society. The money from the Gorman bootb cannot bo accepted, because His Inoperial German Majesty’s Consul deals in liquor, not like in Cunba’s art gallery by the glass, but actnally imports it by the ship-load. To make matters worse our highly esteemed Dean of the consular corps His j Koyal Italian Majesty’s Consul also superiutondod tbe Gerraan bootb, and he also briugs to this couutiy shiploads of the stuff that gives the W. C. T. U. tbat "tired feeliug.” We sliowed yesterday why that holy Uuion eannoi accept of the money made in the Portugueso booth and n are constrained to say that tho sale of cigars in the French booth and of cigarettesin the Spauish-Mexican booth make these booths also beeome disgraceful iu the eyes of the higbly respectable W. C. etc. iu the Greek beoth where the best (if not the most) dressed ladies were to he fouud a bevorage called Ambrosia, but whieh tasting very mueh like cliqru>t Puneh w as obtainable and for that reason the Greek money cannot be touched. The English booth was built by sailors to whom regulation Grog isserv©ti (disgraceful!!) »ud.of course thatprohibits the use of the Euglish sovereigns. Alas! what is left for the W. C. etc? Amorica, China, lapan. Aud what a corabination. what a glory to the W. C. T. U. and Western civilizatiou.