Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I3usiness Cards II. LOSE, Xotarv l J ublic. Collector and General Business Agent. Pa(entee of Lose’s Chemical Compol’ \r> for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for several of the Best FIRE IXSVRAXCE COS. Malnai Teleptione ». P. O. Box'S3S. 5ferch!int street. Honolnin. DANDīRG CLASEES. D\X LYOKS' OAN'eiN'O (T.AS> -nii he oh«nt;e ) fn.ini the Dbill8hed t». Vrion HaU whioii he h ; ts Teiite : l f<>r Tl*ESDAY. THl*RSDAY anJ SATIRDAY ot e..ch week. T he S tnnl»y orp«ni2i“J oh»-« for C nihlren will rmet et the Arh>u Hail »t 2 o’eloek Sitnr! >y ;ifternoon. Apnl 7th. lin TnesT«y eeeuini?. A|>ril 10.‘i>. »t 7 o’eloek. .» cUss will be f.>ruie»i for Men an»i B >ys. On Thnrsday aftern»on, at 3o’oI>»_k Aj rtl 12th, « sr>cial chiss will he foruie»l for Hiwiiia’w. The eh .rv'es for all d»y Pnpi!s wi!l l>e 2.1 »ents » li->sou. On the ;>hove days Mr. Lyon e.m be seen at the liall froiu 9 to 12 uoous’ Xtj->4 2t CltysāMeat Brarket Oppo. Queen £mtua Hall, EstabIishedJ1883. JOS. TINKER, Maher of the\Ceīchrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of tue €ity aud Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Honolulu, : : tL 1. GENERALaxd Commission %*■ -*■$ Merchants — AXD — SUGAR FACTORS. AGEXTS FOR Lloyds :— Rr.Ush and Fore:gn Manne Insnranee Comp*ny. Liniited. Xorthern Ass>trance Co, tire & Iife. Pioneer Line of Paekela from Lfrerpool. Hawaiian Line of Paokets. Oanaliaa Pacific Eailw ay Co. axd Canadian-AQStnliaii Steaas!iiD Co. Liverpool Ofhce: The A!bacy. Old HkII St. M1!KJB BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Bj»iness of a Ftdndary Xvtare Tr*ssaete<L Ptompt »ttenūon given to the raaaagemen; of £atotea. Gu*rJian»hip>i, Tra»u,| etc.. *etc., ete. Omc*s, : Cari\crijht BuUdinj, Mercbant St«et. Honolnln. GHAS. CIRDLER, Importer aiid Commission Meix-liant SPBCTALTIiS: A P. Co»U' Maehine Thre»d Jona» Bpooks’ Maohiue Tbre*d B*rbour's Lioeu Thread Pe*n’ Soap P. O. Box 358. Uatoal Ttkphoaa 338 13 K—hanwuia 8tntL LY