Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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T He A^wa^ded. Anheuser-I3usch Co. wim the l?ri ze at the '\\' r ’o'‘*lcl , S £lir " ith their AGL iil 33rand I3eer. . Sx Lons. Ocr. 28, 1893. (Messbs. M.vcfarlanf Jc Co., L’d., v Honolalu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —tVe bave niaileJ you a copy of tlie Globe-Democrat 'announeinp the preat victory won by the Axhecser-Būsh Associatiox with tlieir ‘ EAGLE ’ BranJ of Beer. [SigneJ] ANHEUSER-BUSH BEWIXG ASSOCIATION. I $ §5 & ■M KRK. % 5e § ā. 3C % w 5*. ĪT * * <T RISK!^ In orJering this Beer besuretoask for the “EAOLE’’ BrauJ. A Lacfarlane & Co., Mar. 14 - 2rud. A<jents fnr Havjaiian Islands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE ” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Hea* 2:15. M J Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Pronipter, 2,.lOA. hy I’.l* - o Bnll. 7.»: Dam, Grace, hy Bnccaneer, 2.6-16. Protnpter is also fhe Sire of Apei, 2:26; Tran«it, 2:26'; Walker 2:2.Ti: W«les, 2:271; (,’hieo, 2:24: aml of fbe Dnms Brilliat;tiue, 2:17 ami Vigor, 2:28. “C’i;eoi e" 1 is iet hlaek, oue hind white foot aud ?iuall str:|>e in fece. Weight, 1,050 ponnds; is rery stylish, gentle, a good prodncer «nd « panie r»ce horse, Will st«nd for a liiuited nnmber of m»res at FIFTV (|50) DOLLAhS FOK THE Sh ASON, payable at time of semce. This horse was hred iu 1892 to forty-sis mares aad produce»l forty-two oo.ts. feb 17-im 13 1 ī DAV1S. ORDWAT & PORTER. Iiolinson I>Iocl\ Hokl St., between Fort and Xuuanu, Have Jnst Ffcf : vcJ.j«r 1 fle A.niia 1 ?, 11 ej nf «il Stccl cf FUE Nl’lUEE Ever Impi rtc«I to tl is Country, Comprisiog Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solitl Oali. andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 18 CALLED TOTtiESE SETS: WICK.BR. WAĪ1E3, Beaut fnl Des gns <>f Wick-r T\ are, consist ng of SOFAS, CHA1RS, KOCKERS. eto.,vou em get thesa in nny FINISH vmi «\csire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS. iu everv stvle, iac)uJing OFFICE an I HIGH CHAIRS. E2s: , te:xtsioit tables, We have haJ a utuuber oi ealls for these T;»bles. with CHAIRS t» match. We have now in stoek the raost BEAUTIFUL DINING R30!VI FURN1TURE EV£R SEEN’ HEEE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers 5? 131VA I'ū' S . D’vans covereJ with PORTIERS are beconiing qnite the nge iu plaee of LOUNGE8 -we mannfaeture tiietn toorJer.auJh.ivea laige stock of PORTIEHS to ael-ct from. BEDEIITG-. Gre»t AssortmentofW03 EN T\ IRE MATTK—S8ES—Spring.Hūr, Moss, Wool anJ Straw M «ttres<es oii l»anJ anJ ra.tde to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHEBS «nd S1LK FLOSS for P»l ows. CRIBS. CRADLES etc. WINDOW SHADES of all eolors anl siz s. CORNlCE POLE8, in wcxxl or br ss tri<nmings. Be B PAIEIITG-. Mattresses, Loanges and all Upholstered Farnitare repaired at reasonable n tes. CABINET MAKING. io ali its branches, by Compeaent Workmen. MATTING LAID *nd Int-rior Decoratiog un«ler the Sapervisiou of Mr. OEORGE ORDWAY. Oar Goods »re F rst Chss. and nur prices arTthe lowest Come and be cnnvinced—a trial s »lic te«l. Be!l 525. telepho>ifs: Mntnai 645. OBDWAY * POBTER. B*jbiusoo Blo«k, b*tweea Fort aud Nauanu