Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IM PO AND JDEALERS IN Grooeries, A>D !Feed, EAST CORNER FORT A KING STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet from the Eastern States anJ Europe. . ' Fresh Cali£ornia Produce by every steamer. AII orders faithfully attended t*\ and Go»'kls deliiered to any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. īsland On.lers Solicited. Sat:sfaction Gnarantee*i. Post Office Box N>>. 145. TeIephone No. 92.
for it, and bv its aathority. His parpose was to obtain the Queen’s sarrender, aml no limitations as to the terms of that surrender seem to have been put upon him. The matters of the Queen s right to her throne was thus submittevl to our government formallv by the Queen and by consent of the provisional government. DAISIPPOX Hotel street /Arlington Block.) | The al>ove Store h«s rvceived ano*.Ler Splendiii In\o,ce o( Goods, ) Per S. S. ‘‘China.” >Japaxese Silk, f' ANCY —COHrRI«INO — BEAUTIFUL SILK DAN CKAPE. Dress Goods in all shade, plain and figured. Cushions, Table Covers, Bed Covers. Gown«. Chemises, Shawls. Silk Crape Kainhow Silks, All Colors Fancy Dr.»peries, ENBROID£RED ! HANDKERGHIEFS, Doi!lit-s, Scarfs, Sashes, Jackets, Cap«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The ?rices of these Goods will astonish you, inclnding ELEOaNI 8ILK KIM0N08! Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, LlR(iE 1SD SM1LL JAl’15ESE BIGS Silk Umbrellas. light bnt strong; Chair Saddles, Silk: Bamboo Blinds, titfed with pnlleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. ,I.\PAXE.SF. SCKEEXS, From $3 Cp. LAHUE JAPlSESE l HBRELLAS Can be Set with Pole in the gronnd, niōe for Picnies or Lunches out of doors, they ean be opened out or used as a tent. COTTON CRAPKS IN GREAT VARIETY tyinspection Restiectfally Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3ms LAB0R BDREiū. THE AMERICAN LEAOUE Begs loave to anuounee that it has estabiisbed an Employment Bureau in connection with the American Leagne. We will be pleased to furmsh you with skilled or uuskilled labor without «ny fee for the eng:»ging such labor. The Iabor enrolled »ith us is of tbe following nattonalitie5; Americun, Portngaese. Hawaiian. German, And other Earopean N itionalities Begg’ng Ieave to open a correspoudei»ce with you on this subject, We remain, Your obedient servants. The Americax Le.»gce EmploiMEXT BUREAC. Address all eommunieiiiona to THEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretaxy. mar 28-tf. P. O. Box 498. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer aud Commission Merchant SPEUIALTIES: [J. k P. Co*ts’ Miehine Tkr«*d Jouas Brooks’ M*chme Thrw»d Birbonr's Linea Thre*d i Pe*rs’ So*p > P. O. Box ,U8. Matnal TeU-phone 35» 13 Kwhiiiua
Thoroughbred DOGS for Sale THE ENOLI5H SETTER Honolulu Bred at the GIentuore Kenne’s, Berkeley, Cala. Registeret'l iN ». 31,098) A. C S. B . New York. Sired by l.ee R.. winner of Derbr ihe l’i; eilīo Co*st Fieu! Tn*l at Bakerstiel.i m ISS)0. he by R*x!uey (9.490) trom l*byllis II (2,16ō), Rj,iney, tiie »ire of Lee R., by ī»oc D.. fn>m ILiie D., f.»,71j] from l’hyllis II [2 l(*ō] R.«ke [212] fn>m PhyUis 474. The daai of Honolnla Girl »*-s Eelle C.Lulstone, the only ilani;hter on the l’aeiho Coastof e'hampion <,ila’.stone 1 113'; frotu Zell, 1 3.SS4 1 ; by Dan, [1,330;. from C .ampion Petrel, [8,427]. THE POINTEIv ‘Honolulu TXike,’ (30,853), broJ at the Shabbuna Keanels # Otta\ta, 111. by f*eTonshire Son, 7,843); fn>m Shurl*, (5.263). The Dam of Homilulu Dnke i* llelle, by ]ack; fn>m llelle D. by Tnnkett’s Bang, (4,117). Honolula l)nke is thoroughlv broke on pheasants. \vith st»unch points-—an all-tlay Jog. For further particulars. apply to or address .W. M. CUN1MINGHAM, mar 10 *Anchor Saloon*. H. E. McINTYKE & BRO., Gbocery, Feed Store & Bakeky, Corner of !iing and Fort Sts., Honolnln C.T. AKANA īailoi" 321 Nnuanu Stroet A11 Suits Ouaranteecl To Fit and in tho Latest Style. CIothes Cleaned and Repairetl. nol7 Chas. T. &ulick NOTARV PUBLIC For th« Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Ackaowledgmento to Labor Contracts. Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieen ses, Honolnln, Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt «k Scorr’s Freight and Parcels Espress. Agent for the Burliogton Ronte. KW0NG S1HG CH0RG i C0. Ccin.tx3.ctcr Sia.ild.ex Painting, tfec. We also keep on hand Bēdsteads. Mattrassēs. Tables, Bookcases Mirrors, Etc„ ATJHĒ L0WEST UARKET PRICES Nou216|KiQg st.. Honolulu’ de4 3m Real Me Mer aii8eieral iieil 1 BetlT«t. 948; Mul. Tel, 139; P. O. Box -415. OFFlCE: Xo. 38 MERCHAST vStre«t, Honolulu H