Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
» — Kawaiahao elook is yet without a tick. The Australia is no» about 40 hours away. Col. Macfarlace is notexpected by the Australia. “ Wife for a Wife/' at the Opera House this evening. I I Eull honse again tonigbt for the Dailey Company. The French war vessel Dachaffanlt, is mueh v;sited. i ; The Feast of Nations is liahle to turn out a Fight of Nations - The Albert is loading and, as a consequence, Captain GrifiBths is hāupv. Weatber pleasant and warm; wind strong N. The League flag is flying. A new Athletic Club is about to be boru. “Hie jacet aetat, 18 months.“ i Tne Royal Arthur on a crui.se in the Pacific will shortly eall i here for eoal. — : The CounciIs were fiddling with the Appropriation Bi 11 this forenoou - Kickiug, as usual. • . — Busiuess is very dull in all lines of trade, except arms : ammunition and other p. g. supplies. | Mr. John Parker, the eldest i , son of Hon. Saiouel Parker, who has been seriously ill is improving | slowly. The French Admiral eommanding the Pacific squadron i will probably visit Honolulu on ! a crui.se Quick aud eheap transit, for i baggago, may be had by calliug up Pollock’s express. Bel! Telephone 122. “L»pers and Leprosy in the Hawaiian Islands“ will be the j subject of a paj>er forwarded by the next mail East. One of the Portuguese, on Hawaii is said to bo looking i anxiously for the return of one of the unbadged Hitchcock’s. Ladies who haven’t yet secured some of Girdler’s fancy dress j goods should make haste to do so ; before the whole stock is sold. The little rice birdsabout town j j have si/.ed up the Japanese birdlimer, aud they aro now getting j too mueh ou the “tiv’’ for him. : Mons Verlyhe, the French Commissioner paid an offieial eall i to the Duchauffanlt this morning and received a salute of 11 guns. Sans Souci is receiving daily additions to its guests. Mme host Simpson and his amiahle wife snpply “all the comforts of a home.” The proposed battallion moveraents did not take plaee in Palaee Square last evening. It was too damp. Thermometer 74 degrees. The youngsters will have opportunity to enjoy themselves at the matinee performance Sitnr day. at the Opera House. “Peck’s Bad Boy’ ’ will be the play. Pink Dominoes will prove a lively i>erforraance to the Saturday evening audience at the Opera Honse. The play had long , “runs“ in London, Now York and ! eveu staid Boston. The thermal waters off the Long Branch Baths are a eonstant source of pleasure to the visitors to tbe famous Waikiki hoaeh. Col. Jim. Sherwood the proprietor of the bathing establishment has been obliged on several afternoons lately to lollow the line of tbeatrieal managers aud has posted notices io tbeeffect th»t these is “Stauding room oulv.” Everything gets on •wimminKlv at Lonu ltrnueh
Tbere is a romor that Thorston and bis briJe wiil be honored by a Snndav concert, a h i Haieaiian, t or after the fashion of the village at the Fair, bnt with more respectable dancers. , j li Trathful James fcas been nominated for the position of secretary of the Board of Edncation by W. O. Smith. The inattention of the Amenean J League is called thereto. The Steamer Pele whieh was to havs Ieft port here for Makaweli Eauai this morning was de!ayed nniil this afternoon to allow of necessary repairs to her boilers. She takes forward 23C* tons eoal for p!antalion ose. — The McCand!ess Bros have. succes>?ully bored for an artesian well on the gronnds to be oecnpie<l by tbe Hawaiian Fertihzing Co. at Palama. The dejdh reached was 475 feet, a gooil snp- ' ply being tben tapped. Senator Canuingham 13 unaerstood to be about to take the ' lecture platform and challenge Pearl River planters ou the subject 01 “Oyster Cocktails and What l Know Abont Them.” Everybody’s money taken at the 1 door. | The whives whieh were used as ' an aid to the acoustic proj>erties of the Operu House wore removed i during the changes made ueces- ' sary in the introduction of : electric lighting into the House. : They ought to be again placed in position for the comfort of ! patrons. The Ohampion Ministrel j Troupe intend to give a performanee at the Opera House to- : morrow (Friday) evening for the l benefit of the British Benevolent Socioty. The proj>er advertising j ! has not been done and the notice 1 is insufficient. A poor house may be expected. Renovatious and changes are ' being made in the interior ar1 rangements of the Post Office. Postmaster General Oat iutends 1to ofier impr»ved facilities for ■ mail distribution on the main floor and the monev offices will * be reraoved to the upj>er floor. ! The changes will be completed i bv June lst.