Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 91, 19 April 1894 Edition 02 — The Short Dresses. [ARTICLE]

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The Short Dresses.

Honolulu occasionally, yes, frequently gets the advant-iges of a heavy shower.and the disadvantages of beavy mud in the streets. A girl cannot trail her skirts in the mnd, and she, naturally, elevutes them when she crosses the street. We know of no prettier j sight tban a picturesque display of a well tarned and well“hosed” aukle, and we therefore recommeml our lady readers to secure some of the wonderfully elegaut, and remarkably eheap hose sold by Charles Girdler on Kaahumanu street. We will raention a few prices quoted by that popular furnisher of ladies goods: Cotton hoae ;firet class) $2.00 per dozen «4 44 4 4 44 O <4 •< “ “ *• “ 3.00 " “ .. .. .. >. 300 .< .. Lyle “ " “ 4.00 “ “ “ (the very fineat) 5.00 “ SLlk hose (approved by the W. C. T. C. $1.00 per pair.