Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

i Ho>OLrLC, April 12, lSfH. Alahama pays its legislators S4 per day. The ‘Pan3y" is b*;st and eheapest! M »ine pays its legislators ?l-*0 per annum. Try the Jones Locted Fence for economy! Wyoming is the Baby State in the Union. The Jones Locked Fence for strength 1 New York City is built on 41 square mi!es. Enclosed with t!io Jones wire Fence, Tammanyism would stay thore! Chicago bas an area of 180 square miles. Tho Aermotor will snj'pl\ wate to the world! I Petersbnrg, Va., covers 3 sqnare miles. Haviland China Ieads all others for boauty! The South contains 15,5*19.358 white persous and 6,893,800 colored. 1 Our Oil Stoves for baking save time and money! The voting population in the United States, 1890, 13,230,168. The Clauss bread kuife does uot make crumbs! ; Estimated pojmlation of the United States, 1864. 56,530,740. ! Tbe Little Giant Puit Traps are wonders! Maine was a jiart of ?Iass: chussetts until 1820. I J I The Fiscber Steel Rauge burus less fnel than any others! • Xevada hns the fewest inhahitants; Xew Tork the greatest number. Lomlou bas 4,231,431 iuhabitants. 1 Hendry’s Eeady M xed paints aie great spreaders! The G. A. R. has 403,024 iuem bers in the United States. : The Hawaiian Hardwaro Co., leads iu everytfaing! i Xew York States sent 448,850 men iu tfae Union Arn>y. Bird cages eit!ier bra-s or j>aiated wire at Hawaiian H.*!rdware Co! ' Missisaippi hid 545 men in tho Union Army. Tablo cutlery and scissors at the Hawaiian Hardware Co! Theosophv was fonnded in New " York in 1875. . Bradley <fc Hobbard Lamps rival the sanlight! The tvpewriter was first tbough.t of bv Henry Mill 200 years ago. • Poi Bowls at the Hawaiian Hardware Co! Ohio is the greatest sheep raising State in the L nion. i j The Hawaiian Hanlware Co., | organized fonr years ago, has gone to Ihe top of the !adder by | se!ling goods at low prices, and being “ap to Jate in eaeh of its many lines. T&s HawaiKa Hanivsre Cs., i 1 ( 307 # Fort Street t j