Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — The Boston Transcript. [ARTICLE]

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The Boston Transcript.

Tlie official organs are extre mely wroth agiinst Captain Paltner, who a short while ago v!siuil Uawaii as special correspondcnt to tho Boston Tranecript. Tho A<lvrrti*>jr abases thecaptain atul the Sfar tries to ridicale him. 2s< ne of the:n throogh en- ' doavor to dispnte about the stateinents of Mr. Palmer except by i oal!ing him in general terms a 1 iiar. The special assertion that ' worries cur immacul»te eontemporaries is that the only Araerican capital here is tlu»t i brought aad iuvested bv C!aus Spreckles. Of conrso, the Sfar j ian knows nothing abont the | m tt> r. but the AdfKrtiser ought ' to be sfficiently well ; o.->ted to know that the statement of Palmer is trutb, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 1 Let us r fresh the meraory of the ; .1 < rīf ' rin regard to the Arner- ■ !e in eapiial brought bere by Americans. How iniieh did C. II. Cishop bring? What the { 1 eapiial in the pockets of S. N. I ■ (, astle whea he arrived here. : D. G. N. Wilc« i x, Chas. Cook, E. O. Hall, H P. e.ihlwin. Z. Spalding, S. Datnon, Alexander, | Bailey, Dillinghnm. “Cabby ’ j B; wn. Curtwr:ght, Brewer, Carter, Jouos or that “new” Amer- i i,‘an \Vatorhouse iuvest one soli tary ceut of Americ.an capital, or dul thoy make out of Hawaii their money of whieh they new boast, and whieh thev now eall Araerican eapiul. If the p. g. org »nettos y would answer our • aostious instead of abusing Cap- j t.»in Palroer and tbe B'oston Tran'Criy4 tbey would probably be forcevi to admit that he not alone i toid the truth, but tbat be wasan extremely well informed man in rog.rd tu Hawaiian atf.» : rs. Judge Eobertson of the Dis- : trict court shonld not bave allow- j ed his name to be nsed as a' c«ndidate for delegate to tbe. Constitotional Convention. His | laek of jndgnient has caosed his | uame to be withdrawn. withoot j his consont. by tbe 3id distr»ot I ciub. j