Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Ways The P. G. Ways are Peculiar. [ARTICLE]

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Ways The P. G. Ways are P eculiar.

Und€r tbe beading. “Tricks 1 tbat are Tain’' the Advtrii»rr pabltsbed tbe editorial on lbo 17th iast. Considerable r iv corament bas bee made thereon by tbe genera! pablic a:: I news >nper men aud throagh i :- ir ii.e * 1 might over!ook it. u aceonnt of absence, we take : sare in reprodncing it in tfae H lomua witfa the additional remark tliat “rve second the m :ion Foilowing is the article: 1 Tiie exclnsion of newspaper r ; Tters froni the hiennial visits f tbe 13 ard of Heahh to tfae l-i r s ttlement is a pieee of n:lity whieh smacks of , ‘second il i.~hnfcsa and raere oblivioa.” 1 ,ere > ab-o’atelv no reason f-)r t - futiie attempt to eoneeal tfae of tite Govermnent frora t : ub!ic. Tfae reason assigned, f ■ r i. >t :iilowmg press representi:;v> st • go. > tLeal’eged want of n’.mi ' i itions. TLe reporters . . ; M:re this excnse by a will!.g!e <s to sleep on deck. Tben e iues th>* objection lhat “if one : iier wishes represent«tion :-.u r ior wi;l.” Why sfaoold itnot? 13 .t if tlie loeal j*ress is repre--ent :1 tlie foreign jiress will l*-UKi'id tiie s.ime j)rivilega.”This l.i st objection sbows wfaere tfae si;06 prnches. The American j>aj'ers nmst r.ot know that tbere i s anv Kalaupaj>a or Kalawao, and tlie wisdom of tlie ostrich, v. hiei. evades jnirsuit by hiding its he.id in the saud. is justified <•{ its imititoTS iu tbe Hawaiian Goverument. ]f the Attorney General is re 11v and soberly of the opinion t : it tlie j)eojile are best served bv j ;*.ttii)_' the j)30j)le know just so i mne , of afiuirs as its rulers are i ! ;e.is 1 to commnnicate. then he shouid apply tliis rule with eon- i >:stency amī witb justice. Why -liouLl eaeh r.iember of the Board 1, ive the rigbt to inviteoue guest? Why should visiting clergymen i. ave a i>rivilege whieh is deuied t' r< sidcuts? Why is the corios itv of the meie tourist a!iowed a larger scopo than the leg.timate int<*rest < f the puhlie, as repres Tite<l by its orgau, the Press? 'iheie is no eommon sense in t!iis rule of secrecy and no justice | iu Ihe niodes of its enforcement. it l)riugs nothing but discredit 111 • u tlie Government, subjects lts motives to misconstructiou, and deprivss it of tfae streugtfa whieh cmnes from an arouseduul iustrncted jmblic opinion.