Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Mrust Re-Naturalized. [ARTICLE]

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Mrust Re-Naturalized.

A Nut for the Americant?, Lcaguc. 7 •’ ■ 1' ’. • 'n■/ ■’ r E.nuniner — Si::: PIenseansvrerthefollowing 1: a native-born Ami :ican c;t/.en becomcs a citiztn ofNliaw»ii will he bave to be nutaral:zed like a foreigner to be r -t ; ■! : e:; . 7 .e;.s!iij)r Is tbere any s;:vi.Iar case kiif'wn? S A »5CBscltIBKB. [Tho Feucral statu*es spec:Scal!y rect>gnize the rigbt of exjmtriratum. A <ut zon who surrenders his citiz< uship is thereafter an alien aml ean acouire his citizenship again ooly in the same manner • ā& aoy other alien] Erarr % iHer Apr 10. 1894. j