Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Scalp Hunters. [ARTICLE]

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Scalp Hunters.

Ti n;Tici.il headsmen nre ag iin i’i t!;- ir wa* i .:nt. Tiie dismis- - .. ■ . A . Oem ral 1L >> has :■<•<•!; f >!’d\v*-d by the d:smissal W. for 29 yfars. t : .ic socrcbiry t-f thc li.var<l ei I u u-.ui n. Of course, these dis:iiissa!s aie c.illed resignatious ’:- ut ev< rvl> ,ly knows the man i nt-r iu whieh t!:esa re?5gnations <.n .-:<!■ ut. T ) l'.ll 3Ir. lu>ss m >t important j)Lice, it is stated < t ono of IIenry I5.ildwin’s !,!:• •;• 3 Las hoen clmson • W<* 1 licv<* Mr. Liws to 1>e an !■■ ’■ >t an<I njivight nim, but his dl: dio:'.s aro s<> that he will > ■ rl>i :■ 1 - to show tbat sj>irit f ;■ 1, p>".di‘!ice, t!nit nnule iMr. !!■ s a va!.vib!e ram to the eou try a-.d d< - *rving of the re>p< c{ <>f t e nation. Tlie {>lace of Mr. Smith it is rnraored will be ::I:■ ■• l l>v Mr. Girvia who Las a ■! ’ i ■•>; i'.io g >veriim3Ut for his wr ;:!,g i *i’.>rt> as a gratis contri i r < t’ie <>!ii;• i»t 1 p:ij>ers. W. Jam< s Sinitli Las lieeu ealleel an i:■ t* • • r; 1 1, aiul l-as been nbnsed :••>■■ u - he ran the Boar<lof Edut*.»tiou, in a manner tliat he. after 29 vear> of < \perieuce. cons dered j>r - 1 :•*>*. It wi> easy for the >.!■ > ; lieial nntli ;uking crowd to ■ i i *:*• i/ē :it.<l eon-leum liim. Jt ...,i l*o f iud t;iat his services wil! bo s->re!y \v.mted aiul that this act of ingratitude on the j>nt t*{ tlie goverumect wiil rei!»m..l ()ii the hoail of its s’,iperv vtr.ons m ub- r>. Mr. Smitb i; l Mr. K *>s t.ike with t’ie<n into tiu ir j rivate life. the un- ;• r- led and gratiiiule of the oo :ntry. aud they Lavo through tlioir faitbfnl seniccs to the e untrv erected (> r themselvos beiter monnments tiiau cou.d be liewn in st-*na or n;arble. And :ow I*-t t : , scalu-hnutersgo after t’ue !!■ :.i< ■>> of the j*rovisiomil «overu:cent who have uot yet reg ; >iered aad l.ikeo tho famous oath