Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — More Punch. [ARTICLE]

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More Punch.

TliO Pnneh wbic!i w;is “dol« <V’ ont at tUe Hawaiim l;ooth ha« e\i>lehtiy f»nno to tho l.-'a ;- of somo of tlie estiroable 'aili**-* v. ho mar.ag< <1 t!ie 1’*-;-t of Natiors. The Ādini>etr is virtu >nsi\ sliock< <l an<i llie ;r is >cri u-ly giievod—gorltaj s the eilit<>rs ditln‘t “catch on” to tho puneli, and now rogrot {h*-ir ov*.rs:gI;t. A Mrs, E. V«'. JoitlaQ wLo evidently had p mething to do with the feast has n;a lo tl.e f 1lowing remurkablo statement to the A'i ->//<’-/*. “The mattor w.-.s bronght to my Httention on Friday ovening when 1 was told tliat a p«ncliw,i.s being sold <t tlie Hawuiian l»<> h. 1 w< ut t.> Mrs HaaU-lea, whow s in ch;ugo, and tol<l hor \rliut 1 bad lieard. Sbe s.iid tli.it if any intoAicating licjnois \\< rc being sol<l, it vas without her knowlotlge, aml t!iat sLe w<mld try to stoj> it She went to both Mr. Cuinmins and Mr. Mt'i> :borg. aml requestod that, if such a tbmg was being <loae, it shoubl be stoppod. That was ali th it we eoukl tlo in ti.e iualt* r. “I also lieard that tltorn w< r> otlicr livuors sol<l at tho booth. I eouM not belio\e tii.it ttiis w.is so, even in the iu itt<*r of tlie puneli. aml 1 decided to n.\ ■ stipate the mattor. Jn -uu !ling it, 1 did not detect any !iquors, but thougbt that a little an;><> s <-1 had bt:< n add*d to it. 1 found out, lnter. iio\vever, that it was a regular jiuuch. “As to tlie matter of our r.ot acccj*t;ng tbe moiu\ frtmi Ihe booth, tbat would be «n īujustice to Mrs. Haalelea tlial we wou!d not liko to do. Wo have d< cid <1 to neeepl it, bnt will pr<>b;ibly ndd tlie M<itt*ruity Home to tl;e list of charitios to be benefited by (ho bazi!tr. This <>■ «<i 11 ‘ uaiian in*titution, and >f aonh Hawaiians • ■<••</< to di<;;rao ihanselves in the «-(>/ that occm'r> I ut the Feast , then Uaa'aiian* ea >• »<>■<• the motuty tJAainedin swch a <<•</»/,’’ T\'e-do not know, who Tfr>. Jordan is, but we have no doubt that she is honest in her convictions, and only thro:ni!i ignorunc<* orstnpidity ex}»rosses horsolf iu such grossly iusul‘ing inanner {■>- wards tho llawaiiana. TVo beg to oall .>i»ecl;il attoutiou to tho finishing sentiraeuts. It is there indicaied lbatMrs. J< i r<l in t!iink> th.it a valuable ;iul highh deserving institution like the Maternity Honie i> bad enor >h to accej»t money gain<d in a disjjracf/al (sid/ nianuer while tlu* use!e$s and absurd iustitntions liko the TV. 0. T. C. aiul V. M C. A. aro not to bo cont.iraia:i{< ,l bv moncy received frora thes<ieot liquor. Tiie Maternity Homo is to be cougratnUtod ou g lt ng the mooey liom the Hnwaiinn booth,and ;t is to bo eompiiwenied for being mude tlie objecl for the contempt and iusults <•{ Mrs Jor\lau nud hor i!k. Hul t:ii> lady should l>e cousistout if suc!i a jewel ean be obtained by lier. The manngement of tbe Feast of N;«tions sliou!d r- fuse t ■ accept the mouey n.ado iu the Portuguese booth. Mr. E S. Cunha the propriet -r of t!ie Ceutrul Union ‘Art Ga!lory, w spent a good deal of money for the benefit of the Portague.se 1 booth. It preseuted an excelleai appearauce and was well patroui/ed bv lollow worshii>ers with Mis. E W. Jay. Mr. Oonha maVts Lis money by seliirg liquor aml it is wrong foi Mrs. Jordan. aud the W. C. T. U. to nccept any sum made in such a *'d;sgractfal mauuer. The W. C. i'. U. is warring against s.iloons aiul liquor, bnt thcy seem to be ven* willing to aeeepl snpport (rom the men who mako their living, and their fortuues by seiliug the ‘liceused’ stufi. it woulii bo iuteresting to see a l»st of those who ; partuok of Mr. Oswinins’ puneh paid for it. Mn>. Jordan ’

won -1 pr b\k!y fiud tbal a ]»rg? j nnmber cf tue*f«ithfal,’ {rom tbe | I’nsiu-»nt down, patronixed tiie ' Hawiiiau bootli aud ieok a nip.’ | T e whole aff.iir is extremely r-bscrd bct made deliberately 1 ii to tbe Hawaiian ladies v d g ni.’emen who belped the Lc.st rith untirir« encrsv O Cto snectS'. Wc Lope it is tLe1 - st t!’;ie tLat Hawaiians w :! i:ave anything to di with any ch*nt«ble atfa:r mauag*;d bysT!f ’i r. irr w-minded, bigotted, a:.-! >i!lv people.like {li!>se repret_d bv Mrs. E. W. JorJan. i W;,,,c ti.e p*.u;ch-war is on, it v u’-l be well for t!.e ‘m5>.sion<ry. aud very >;traigLt-laeed I la !As to g-;-memljer that, at the j s.<• t: :<* tl>e Hawaiian viilage ■ Ht :Lo Midwinter Fair is coining n. -n-y. ;;nd virtu.il!j' existing on t t’ (• {->■ ■.■<:<ls <-f the Hula exhibia oi)der t e imniediate mant of Lorrtc A. Thnrston. I - : -j> rf~ fr< :a l'.ie F;iir eont laie: to >peak ab<mt tLe <1 ?gr tce | { . vu’gir -how of t’ne lat <-f -1 women cxpr-rted by, •■:;■'. pre>ented uuder the p«trouj i H< i-n-u ;.nd T;!urston. ..< u ‘l.at w.i>liing < f Hawaii’e in tl<e ;mblic hns been >• j j;< <1 t!irongh tne agency cf i NI: - J rd.m (he W. C. T. U.. nd ’:> >i eeial organ> llie A Irer- ■ --<•, ai;d tbe &tar. it is time tn<-’;gh to “go for" t’;ie puneh j that harn.< d m b< lv, and accord- j i:t Mrs. Jurdm’s st.iteraent ; V.-- ir >tr :g< nough. lt is , .:!>->■ * ti:ne ti-at liawaii was rid of I ■ ... ->ion ir\ ’ element. lt is g ltir.g too 1*1 i tic, tco obucxious and bv far too ridiculous.