Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

iUST ARRIV£D, m m m S ” BABY - CARRIAGES of.all;styles. Ruqs : IX THE LATEST I’ATTEI{NS. “ HOUSEHOLD” SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewino Machixes, r*TAI! With the Litest IinppoveiuontsTf3 PARLOR Ors:ans, Guitars And Other Musica! lualmmenU. AVines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS 0X HAND, AXD FOK.8ALE BY ED. 90FF8CHLiEGEB 4 C0. King St.. oppo. Castle Cooke’s Anchor-;-Saioon Ex “AUSTKALIA.” Another Invoice of the Worl<! Renowne<l FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On clraagbt and by tbe keg. > Also, as a Speeūtlty, Small Fresh Cal/for\'ia 0YSTERS, KOli COCKTAIL8 fe22 lrn ■ Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For tb« Island of Oaha. — . Agent to T.ike Acknowledgmenta to Labor Contracts. ’ Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolala, Oaba. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Pitt «fc Scott’s Freigbt and P«rcels Express. Agent for the Barlington Route. Reai Estat3 Mcr anl teral Aieiii 1 e i Bell Tel. 348; Mat Tel. 139 , P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT 3lroot. īl'iaolalu. II. L