Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Business Cards H. LOSK, >Totarv Puhlio. Collector an<l General Busincss Agent. Pafentce of Lose’s Chkmical Compoin*d for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agcnt for sneral of the Best FIRE IXSURA XCE COS. Mnfnal 'l'elephone ». P. O. Boi .138. l!erchans •ītreet, Honolnlu. INT£R-ISLAND P!L0TAGE. Cait. WILLIAM DAVIES, — R>R TKE P«nt TWEl.VE VF..\RS in eonmunil a.. Iiiter-I.-l.iui! Stenmers otfers his -erv;i-A-of PI LOT TO aNY l-oil or l in.ling in t'ie TI..w ii .n I-Ian;is. ’ '- v ~ R-s{ of references, inqnire «t ofB of .f. S W.vjKru orer Sjireckei's 1. nk. or \\ R okt »ROs.. F >rt S’.reet. Iab l4-tf. Citysāft/ieat Market Oppo. Queen Emimi Hall, Establisbed;l883. J0S. TINKER, I bJtcHe^ Malcer of the Celchrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of tae Citv aud Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 239. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu, : : H. 1. GENERALand Commission ;*h Merchants — AXD — SUGAR FACTORS. agfnts for Lloyds Lritish and Foreign Manne Ins) aaoe Company, Limite<l. Xortbern Assnrance Co, tire & li P;oneer lane of PoekeU frouj L: erpool. lawiinan Line of Paekelā. Canadiaa Pacific Railf3j Co. axd eanaiia-AnMai stm!iiD L. VE*rocL Ofkice; The AIl«t r. 01,1 Hall8t. te010-.)m BRUGE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Bdāiness of « Fidaci*iy Xatore Tr?n.n*cted. Prompt attention giren to the man*gemen; oi Eōfcate«, Ggarlianahipa. Trost*.; ele., ete.. etc. Ofjic**, : Cart>cright Buildmg, Merchjnt Street. Hooololo. I CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer aiid CommLssior> Merchant. SPBCIALTEES; J. ± P. Co«ta' Maehine Thread Joaaā Brocka’ Maehioe Tiirea.'J B*rboor'9 Linen Thread Pears' 8o*p j P. O. Boz 358. Motnal Teitphone 13 EaaUomaaa Stxaet. "