Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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T H Ē A w A.nheuser-I3uscli Drewiiur Co. Wiw the Prize at the ’Woi , lcl , S all* their iCAGrL L J3rami J3eer. St. Loui*. Oct. 2S. 1S93. Messp.s. Maopaelane & Co., L’x>., Honololu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —TTe have mailed yon a copy cf tlie Glabe-Democrat announein" the great victory won by the ĀNHEUSER-Bcse Associatio>' with tlieir * EAGLE ’ Braud cf Beer. [Signed] ANHEUSEB-BCSH BEWL\G ASSOCIATION. I R % I MAftK >5 P 1 ' s C3 V. M M »5 a $ <r :i» lu ordering this Beer.be sure to ask for the “EAGLE” Braud. ATacfarlane <Sb Co., Mar. ll-—2md. Agentsfor Hawaiian Islands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Prumpter, ‘2,;t05. by I'l' e Bnll. 75: Dam, Orace, X>v Bnccanecr. '2.656. Prompter is «lso the Sire of Apex, ‘2:26; Tmn«it, ‘2261; Walker. '2;'2.il; \Vales, '2:'27 ; Chico, ‘2;‘24: nml of tbe Dunis linllianline, ‘2:17 and Vigor, ‘2:‘2S. “Ckfoi.e" is jet hlaek, oue hind white foot and small stripe in f«ce. \Veignt, 1,050 ponmis; is very stylish, gentie, a good prodncer end a pame mee I orse, Will stand for a limiU'd nnmber of mares at FIFTV (J50) DOLLAbS FOR THE SEASOK, payable at time of service. This horse was bred in 1892 to forty-six mares and produced forty-two eo ts. fcb 17-nn 13 H DAVIS. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. ORDWAT & P0KTE11, Rohiuson Eloeh, Hotd St., helween Fort and Xunanu, Have Jnst r<t«Md.]<r Iif( Li'u’p. Ilf kiui cffUE NEIUEE Ever Ini] cited to t! is Country, Compri.sing Handsome Carved Bedroom Ssts 1 11 SoIid OnilĀa andof the LATESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAb ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 TilE.SE SETS: WĪOKEH RB, Beaut ful Des gns « f Wick>r Ware, eonsist ng of SOFAS, CHA1KS. B0CKERS. etc.,you eau get these iu any FINISH vou desiro. CHAIRS, Countless mimbers of CHAIRS. iu everv style, iududing 0FFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLES. We bave h«d a number of calls for these T»bles. \vith C iIAIi%S t<> match. We have now in stock tiie raost BEAUTIFUL D!NING ROOM FURNITURE EV£E SEEN HEEE. Sideboards and -:- Chifibniers - XDI ~\TA. PtTS.-55 D vans covered with P0RTIERS are becoming qniL the mge in plaee of LOl'NGES-we mannfacture them to order, and h«ve a laige stock of POKTIERS to sel ct from. BEDDĪ1TG-. Gre .t Assortment of W0VEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring. H\5r. I Moss, Wool and Stn»w Mattres<es on hand and raade to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS nnd SILK FLOSS for Pd!ows. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. WIN’POW SHADES of all colors and siz 5. P0LES, in wood or br ss triramings. 13 S IEI3STG-. Mattresseā, Looages aod all l>bolstered Foraitore repaired at reasonable n tes. CABINET MAKINO. in all its branches. by Compeaent Workmen. MATTIN’G LAiD and Int rior Decorating nnder the Sui>ervislou of - Mr. GEORGE ORDWAT. Oor Goods are F rst Class, aml our prices are tbe lowest Come * and be o*.nvinced—a trial is s>d c ted. Bell 52Ō. TF.LEPHONES: Mr.t>iai &4ō. OKDWAY at PORTER. R b ;nson B!lcIc. be»wecu Fort and Nnnanu