Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHEAP FURNITURE ! TIJfG FAĪ & Co, Corncr of Kicg ac<l Betbel Sts., Honoluln, Offer a large assortmeut of fine aud dcsirab!e FURMTCRE, wbicb tbey sell at a vcry low figure. Bedstends, BDreau.s, Meat Safes, Wardrobes, etc.. at prices to 6D5t even body. Call and iuspect for yourselves. mar 12 VIKG FAT A CO. Miwu^ioau JUST,KECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kind of Colton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in different qaahtles.'| l|reBt Aj$oi > tment of poi^eelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Curios suitable for Christmas Goods. 411 KINC STBEET, Honolnln. T»]«pkone8, Bc)l 474. l’.O. Box 386. Mntual 544. noi3 Im Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, anotber Iuvoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILAM) PALE i—' !~L.l \ I Also, a Fresh Invoice of C7\LlfOE\NI7\ FORL. H. DEE, Proprictor. iSans Sanci HŪT'ELWAIKIKI, HOKOLULU. First-Class Aeeommooations for four/sfs and fs/and Guests, SUPĒRfOR BATH!NG FACIUTIES. Priv3te m for m % F»mifk 5. T. A. 8IMP80K, Mar»f.r