Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IMP0KTER.S*\NDJDEALE1RS IX Groceries, ī > rox'isioiis AXD Feed, EAST CORXER FORT A KIXG STS, New Goods Rec’d Br every Packet frora the Eastem States and Earope. Fresh California Produce bv ever%- stearaer. All orders faithfullv at:ended t<>, a' n d G.>xls delivereil to anv part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Islani Orders SolicitoiI. Sat sfaction Gaamnteod. Post Olhee Box X >. 1+5. Pelei.hone 92.
Hexry Coxgdox. L. H Dff, California Wino Co. I JOBBEKS OF Wines, | Spirits, & Beers, And in future the bnsinees will be carrietl nn nnder the nune and stvle of “CALIFORXIa WLNE CŌ .” at 407 Fort street. Mclueruy Block. LEWiS i C0, Wholesale and Retail Gro Faxd PKOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8an pMncisco Ste,\mer. Salt Salmox IX BaRP.EL3 •a Specialtt. iii Fort St. , Honolulu. Tel. [140, P. O. Box 297. C.T. AKAXA N|epc5aiit lailop! 324 Nnuanu Stroet A.1I Suit« CTriiaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleane<l »nd Repaired. oo17 WANTED. A BRIGHT BOY MUST HAVE 1 a horse to deliv»r newspaper«. j Apply at tbe HOLOMUA OF- ! F£CE, Thomas Block, Kiug I Street. tf. i W. Wine and Spirit Merchant CuafibM yirt~f*roof Block, M SKCHANT ST.. HONOLULU