Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — The Old Cry. [ARTICLE]

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The Old Cry.

— I “We shon!J consicler that these people are enlightened haman beinfrs. prodnctsof tbe sameRtock . that produced tbe patriot fathers i of 1776 aod the heroes of 1861-5. j We should consider t!»at thev «re : uf tbe nee th *t bas carried ! progress, liberty, and light to every qnarter t f the earth. And , we shuuld ,»sk onrselves wbether , hnman freedom īs likely to perisb | ;it onr or a»iy otber demaud so lung as thev h »ve it in their charge. Tne trnth is that we shalt be tbe chief victimsof sach j a fuliv as is conteraplated ia tbe i prnpōsed abrog.ition of tbe Hawaiian treaty. Wesball lose , onr hold over the raost important strategic point in the P«Cific i oeean, oor elaim the confidence and sy«np«tliy of a br«ve and admin»ble people.« And what we b se some otuer great power will i acqnire. We cannot destroy f Hawiii if we would. We ean j on!y relinqnish the bonorand the glon* of having lifted her from b:<rbarism into Cbristiau peaee «nd bappiuess.” — W<uhington PoM. m Tbis is the old, old cry of j‘ destiuy.” We most stand by and give snpport to 2,000 American8, wuo buve carried ram and religion to the Kanakas — ;h efly rnm—iobbedthe nativea of th«m Iaods, aud fiua)lv enslaved Iham. aad «e mo»t do uii th»s

in the name of human progres», i liberty and the Lord. Honesty men who want to take Hawaii shonKl bealx>ve snch hvpocriticat pretenses. W e have been, tbrough our swarms of aIlcgedmis3Īcnariee liftiug the natives of the Sandwieh islands “from barbarism into Christian {>eace and happ>iness,” for seveutv one vears. and in th »t period cur agents o* ! “progTess’’ have “l;ftetl” the natives frora 200,000 to 42.000 in nnmber|and possessed themselves of all on the islands worth the having; aml fin.ilIy these same agents, with tbe aid of somo halfcivilized Portugaese, have disfranchised the original owners of the conntrv, nsurped theirgovernment. and notified the world that j all this had been done in the name and on behalf of human “liberty ’ W e ean respect a bold i baccaaeer; we cannot respect a rapacious hypocrito, who goes to the heathen, a Bible in one hand, a gnn in tho other and all hia ! pooket«|bearing bott!os of “liqnid ! damnation.”