Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Kickers. [ARTICLE]

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Certiin horse-owners. or certiin owuers of horses are ohjectiug t<> the condttions iu tho 2:4 r > . oUss on tb«* Jocke\- Club programuio an<l make s*Mn® very rash st »teraenls in the rt ■/• this morning. The r:>ce that meets with ohj*»ctiou is described «s ! “Class 2:40 -Tn*tting and j* »cing; free for a!l. Mde !ieats, best two ia tbroe. Pacers togr> to road | enH'' The kicker in t!ie A-Jv*rti*er clrtims thnt “owing to the p >or c**nd:tion of the imek.’ tr-*tters will Lave b>g adv«utage o*rer pacers. This would be perfectly true it the track ou the llth of June wa$ in the same eoiulilion hs it is today. But we ean state npon the ven* best nutbority tbat the tr»cfc wdi receive sucu an ovetl>au ing and be pnt in sach a cond.tion as has never beeu the c »sa here Ttu> work on the track wiil be st»rte»l within a day or two and tbe wel! known euerg>’ of Secretary G:d r l is a guarant«e that the condition o! the traok wil ( b«l i-niioiaiu <»n

I the d»y of the meeting. The “kiek” is 8gainst bandicapping pacers bv miking them go to road carts while trotters go to sulky. We are generally averse to see a race programme made up with special hor*es. in view as entering for special horses, but we admit that in a very small country l!ke this with a very iimited nuraber of race horses ; coodilions alter cases. The Adver~ ; li*er ‘ kicker” states that tliere are eight pacers readv to start in the niee to whieh objeotion is maile, if the bandicap is taken ofl aud he also says that “the trotters eligible for this raoe have better records than the pacers " We wonhl like to liave the -1</ vertiser raention the name of the eight pacers “ready to start' and j also of the records of tho “eligi- j ble trotters.” The best knowu , pacers Lke Creole, Silky, Gerster and others, cannot enter in the | 2.40 class —iu fuct we know of only one pacer and one trotter elligible. The pacer belongs to j Mr. R. Davis and was imported ; fro:u California *vhile the trotter is Mr C. Macfar'ane’s Hawaiian bred horse. Fred Mae. we are j always auxious to leani aud if of other horses are to be eatered in the class we raay chnuge our vievvs in reganl to the hanilieap.—Tbe best timo made bv Fred Mae, is 1 2:41 while as far as we know Mr. ! Davis' horse has nopuhlie record. j Thero is another race on tbe programme for pacers nnd | trotters, free for all aud without I class restriction and lwithont j handicap and that ought to be j satisfactory to the owners of the eight wonderfal ]iacers. We believe thut horse-races under : the patronage of the Hawaiian j Jockey Clnb should have as an j ; object the true sport and the improveruent of the breed in ! Hawaii. They certainly shonld not make a ehanee gambling little or no better than the games j “run in’ by tho ever vigilant Captain Lorrin Andrews. —We shall retnrn to this subject and probably furnish our readers ■ with sorae inforra«tion that will ! prove that tbe handicap in the 2:40 class is justfiable. The “dark” horse business is played out here. Neither trne horse men nor the public approve of that {>rinciple. . 1 ■ — 11