Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Wasbingtnn Apr. 9.—Tbe proceedmgs ia tbo Scnate to day from tbe opening to the cloaing of the were full of icteresL Tbe first in point cf time I was tbe swearing in of Mr. Walah as the Senator from Georgia to Coiquitt. Two reso!ntions intended to faeilitate the debate on the tariff biil wore inroduced. one by Sen»tor Mills, providing for au amendmeut to the rules so as to {>errait ol tbe previous qaestion, and the other by Senator Allen, proTidit’.g for tlie t <kiug of the final vote cf the bill on June 7tb, al!owing three days for debate umler the five-minute rnle. Both went over without aetion. The chief interest of the day entered iu Sena f or H:Il’s speech. The speech was mainly d.rected against the ineome t<x. altbougb Mr. Hiil sioke of the ’* bnmalatioo” of the Hawaiian qnest i o n, whieh he attributed to the f<ct that the head of the State Department was n repnbl:can. Wichit i (Kan.) Apr. 9. — The Daltnns or otuer robhers attempted to ho!d up the R >ck Island paasenger tr.dn Ni>. 1 to night at n point about fonr railes helow Pond creok iu the Cherokee Strip. but they met such n prompt resistanco from n Wells, Fargo A Co’s nu*>senger that t ey carried away with tiiem u< ti.iug except a few bullets in tlieir hides. New York, Apr. 6.—The AmI erican and L’nion Ne\vs eompanies have iefused to handle W. T. Steads book, *•!( Christ e-mio to Chicago,” and bave not;fied their de:ilers to eaneel all or«lers seut to tiie publishers at Chicago. ! Washington. Apr. 9. —The President will issue a procla- i t raation io-day or to-morrow ou Boring sea. London, Apr. 9. -In the rl'tnse i of Commons to-d iv S:r W’illiam Veruon Harcourt moved that the G‘>verninent take the tirae of the \ : House on Tuesdays and Fridays. j | the state of puhlie buisness re j j qairitig that such a douiand be ! i made. Balfour opposed the motion. j eotendmg tiiat the Governraent was fritteiing aw iy tiie tiiue of i the House iu its foolis!i prop»sal i iu regud to tbe appointment of ! the Scotch comuiittee. The Cora- j j rnons reject j d by a vote of 209 to j 214 a n£ption mada by the Mar- : quis of C,imarthen. Conservative, ! ;unendin4» of Sir AVillara Vernon Harcourt and liraiting the tirae : j to bo covered by ihe motion to period between now aml tlien | Whitsuutide congress. Sir Wil ! : iam Harcoutt’s :notion was finally j adopted bv a vote of "249 to 223. ■ ! Snbsequently the bill was sent through tlie commitee bv special ; j consent. It was reported to the | Honse after 12 o’eloek and passed j j its tbird readfng amid cheers. London, Mar. 19 —Mr.E. B!ake has informed Lord Roseberv that ; ! the lrish party are absolute!y j ! satisfie<l witli the new cabinet. The Liberal papere are in full accord with tbe speech in whieh Mr. D.llon declares that his lordship's explanation proves that he is an honest aml hunou'able ehampion of Ireland. B tltiraore. Apr. 10--Oneof the i mosl destructive fires of its kiml whieh has ever occarred in this ! | city took plaee last nig'it iu tliē i bnrning out of Bt-raard Maiinio’s Iivery stable. It was filled witb valaed blooded stock and expen sive eqaipage. One huudred and thntv-five «uimals were bnrned or saffocated. London, Apr. 10—The Right Hon. Charles S. Bowen, Lord Jnstice of lier M ijesty’s Conrt of Appeals. is dead