Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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A crowded house greeted the D»iley Stock company’a first performance at the Opera Hoaselast evening. ■ — —— The wind eame from the South last evening and occasional rainshowers was the conseqnencc. Heavy rain showers have prevailed during this morning with prospects of a continnance. The League flng is a fair weather flag only. The fact that there are ne good Americans beLind it i? shown by tbe laek of display in rainy weather; the colors might rnn; so tbe chief onee said. A smeliing and tasting eommittee will prob«blv be organized by the W. C. T. U. to do dnty at all bazaars where lemonade or pnoches are dispensed. The long eij)ected French man-of-was was sighted nt mid-uoon today. The Council will meet to-morrow. The Frenoh frigate Duehiafanlt arrived in port here this «fternoon frnm Callao. The usual salutes were exchangod with the war-vesseis in the havbor. In case of doubt as regar<ls the timo of visit of Aelmiml Walker to tho Cabinet yesterday the p g. scribes have j)laced it in the Court journils as huvir.g cccurred at “high uoon.” The uames of Amenean members cf the secret and other Leagues in town and of all who take the j>. g. oath are being re- ' gistertd. Registration is now going on very slowly, even the Portugnose j lw*coraiug backward in coming I forward. Jailor Low is believed to be a governraent official, yet he is believod to be engagmg aotively in } politics aud has been e!ected as delegate to the comiug p. g. (arce. Wbat fools these p. g. politicians be. “Hons” seems to bea farailiar, very familiar name in town. It was, torraerly, iu San Francisco. It is uow on Maui, in connection | with the annexationist party. I “Birds of a feather.” Aud the Fort street school scholars have had one week taken | off tlieir Easter vaoation to j)ermit “Mv Mary Ann” to have I ei'jht weeks j)leasure at the disrepntable Fair, on sa!ary. And of such is the lloard of Edacation. j Hou. W. J«mes Smith, a well-’ known resident and one who has most acceptably filled the positiou ; • of.Secretary of Burean of Educa- | tion for nearly 30 ye <rs hasbeen j compelled to resign by the ! dictators. Mr. Damon shonld bave ( spoken. The party speoiallv permitted, j l>y order of the President of ! Health, W O. Smith, to visit the j , isolated and droaded lej)er settli- i ment at Molokai and inspect the malodrons surroaodings of the Lpers, gazs upon sc.ibs. sores and ra«yhap, iuhale their bi!efal bre«ths, returned to the city last evouing bv the Lehua The deo- i c t tists may bave made ex »minations and obt»ined socne knowleJga : whieh raay be transpired to th u jaws of their cust »ras; the j)hysieianiftheydid raakeanv ex»rainations will not divulga it, tha other toarists will «dvertise, the surronndings, in conjanction with the deb:rred and nnnecessarilv insulted, uews paper mea aud . correspondents.