Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I)\ IX [ PPO \ HoteI stre€» Ar’ington BIock.) Xhe tbcT« Stc*n* TW*iT«l Is'OrtO< Japanese Silk Fakcy Gocds Pcr S. S. •‘Chir.a." —canrRSii>« — BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAP E. I>TVrv> ia *il p«aia 6g-nr«*i. Cnihi>;-c.». T»fc’e C»->r<?r*. Br»i Corers O.'wn*. l'iiemiaM, S5u«'« Crape liaiiilniw Si AU Ci'l r- Fvary D,-«;'enes. EMBROIDERED HANDSERGHIEFS, D. . ! S irf«. S ' Jseket>-, Cjjrs E;.-,, Eir. XOVEI-TIKS: The rric«of th O. -)< «-ill »stoniih y ;a. iuduiiin§ ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0N08! i I .iu.Ls.ituo Cijriry*:te C: se<, iin •. u- ion*. S.Ik ie%C.-"..-s, L1RUE »M> >MILL J mt.sE KIKS Si!k l'".’ r» 1 ■ ■: »tr ' CLnir S > 1>U*. «. S.t>.; F.mih->o Kliini», tit:o 1 »ith pailej>; S;lk L.»r f S!u .■ -. • 'ty J.\r * M >r. *>t «tKi:x>. t n>m I : Vp. L1RKK J»PlNFSE I II5ULI.1.’S * t>„ Ci«n lx> S. t wīih P īt* in C:o j;nn l, niōe I->r Pionit< >>r L ;nc.» s onl i>f iloOrs, thfV euu !>• 0[vne J out >>r Usr 1ks a teut. COTT()X CRAPKS IN GREAT VAR:ETY !J r IV ■ :fnlly Iuvit» ! i * MES. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3ms LAEOE EUEEAO. TUF. AMEUICAN LEAOUE noj,'s le-ne !■> t»nn>'!inf>- that it i l»as est »bi ishe>l nn ment Bnreiu in c«>nnectiou with the Amenean Le»gue. We \vi 11 he pleasi.il to furmsh yon with skil led or unskilletl lnbor w thout inv foe for tho engaging suoh labor. Tho lab< r enrolled with us is of the follt>wing nationalit;es; Atnorican, Portugoese. H'iw.iiian. German, Aml other European N tionalities Begging loave to open a correspomleuco with yon on this subject, We lemain, Your obe<lient servants. : Thf. AMEUiew Lt aocf Empi. >tMKNT Ik KEAe. A<hlr< -s all eomm nie itions toTHEO. P. SEVERIN. Secretary. raar 2S—tf. P. O. H<<x 4TS. Thoroughbred DOGS for Sale THE ENGL15H SETrEIi “Honolnlu Girl,” DreJ at the Glenmore Kenne'a, Bcrkeley, C’ala. Reg stere<l < N . 31.0113) A. K. C S. D.. N> w Y rk. ; Siml fcy R., wine- p ■>( D- rfcy at ihe Pa; «he C->.:st Fie!<> Tr»tl >t B.>ker-.heM ia 1 VjO. he hy B-• lu»-y .9,V»)lr>:u r;.yll>sll ‘2,165), fiJ<iney. tlle *:n> »f lee K., fcy I*oc D., fr >tj K ■ D., 15j (»>>ii T‘iiylh* II [2.155] K>ke{212 fr.au Phyia« 4T1. 1he <i«tn vt 11 'i lu.n C)rt wa« P. H~ GUdi «t.>ae, the otxly daagUttr ou the PmuiEo C<>ast o( Chao-;»• > T V (>li>l»ton« < 111!(; tn m /»!!, :.i,s*J4 .; i:V Dau, [ 1, :c*ji, (r»ta C »ni, - j>»i>a lcir«J, [s, t27j. THE POINTER * Honolulu T)uke,’ (30,Sō3), bretl at the Shabb ua Keune!s, Ottma. 111. fcy I «>T( n<*hire s n (7, S4.2>; fr< m Shurt «, (5,21)3). Th» D>m o* H■>«• 1 ilu D<:ke w Kelle, fcy >aek; iroei Lelie D. by T.iake(t» {4,117). I Honolnln Duke is Iho^on^hh' .-. O e < br ke ou phe s;«nts. weu alaaneh Ipo nts—m all-day di<g. For further pirticular3. app!y to or aJart.ss W. M. CUNN!NGHAM, m»r 10 A\CHOR SaI.OOX. \ H. E. McINTYKE a- DI{Q., Grocebt, Feeo Stobe <fc Basebt, Comor of Kiag an>l Fort Sf» . Honoluln, \s.