Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 90, 18 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers. Coffee Roasters AXD Provision Mercliants Fort Street. - Honololo Fainilies. Pli*.ntaticn3 an l Slup> supplieil with choicest Eur '■ Gr Californi;» Pmilaee by Even* Ste' , ir.er. OCKANIC SteamshiiDCo Timo Table. LOCAL L1XE, S. S. Al 'STIIALI A. Tliroiurh L-iue-Frora S;in Frm. fnr Syclney. Arrive Honolulo Frora Sydnev for S : m Fr.moisco. Lea\e Honolulu. — ■ - - . LongBranch BATH ING Establish ment. This First-clas.s Bathmg Resort his been eularged aml i.s now open to the publio. It is the best p’aee on the islan«ls to enjoy a bath aml there is no better plaee to lay o!f. Specia! aeeomrnodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the d >or every ha!f honrand | on Satnrd tys and Snmlays even tifteen iuinutf >. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. X( >TICE The partnership heretofore existing between Frederick H irrison Hiul Artbnr Harrison, under tbe name of Harrison Bros. as Cootntctors aml Bailclers, has B been,by innlual eouaenidissoived. and all parties owing said !:rm >«re bereby not.fied tnat paynient of tiie stine iun.-t l»e inaele to Frederick Harrison, wbo is autborized to settle s.aid bnsiness within tbirty days frora d.ite. F kehekiok H a krisox . Abthuk H.\rbiso.\. Houoinlo, H. I.. March 1804 cnar 28—1 w. DARC1NG CLASSES. 0\X LYONS DANCINO CLASs vill be ehangn>l fr>jtn the Dkili.Shei> u, iunx Hiu. *hich be h*s leoiei fr>r T(JESDAY TBUBSDAT «tul SATTKDAT ot e»cb week. T be SitarhiT ors%nize<i cl«s« for Cnildmi will nsoet«t the Anon Hail at 2 o'dock Su«ard-y afu?raeoa. Apn! Ttb. Oo ercn.ug. Apnl !0tn. «t 7 o’ekiek, * wiii be Iomied for Men an<i BtlTL Un Tunnklay afternooa. at .1 o'eloek Af-rīl a «peeuū eiaaa viU be hameil (ur Hawnimu. TLe char5w for ill day l up.U viū be 25 cents a On ahove daj» 5Ir. Lyon eaa be >«en •t tte H«i! fpt-m 9 tw 12 no 2f