Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DAL\IPPOX Eotel street ArIington Block ) ( j Th<e Store b.*s *actier I lii-*w( 9 Japanese I ' Faxcy Goods Pcr S. S. **China —CO»rRE5IS« — BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE. Ih«8 Qoo.’s ;e pkin *n.! Lgnred. i ! CoshicL.s. Ti>-V (\'T#r«. Beii Coters fio*»S Cb-.'nji.-<fs, SLaTfi.* Sili\ frapf Hainltmv AH Cc«!cr« FancT Pnapene*. EMBROĪDERED HANDKERGHI£FS, D.«uli-.s, > >.-fs S 1 - s Jacke;s, Cai<s, Etc., E‘o. XOVEI-TIES: T!'.e rriccsof the-** G>>> Is w.ll »stoaish \\>u. ioc!adtBg ELECaNT SILK KIM0K08! Ha&.!soiae CigHrett« C«s s. Fiu Cnsliion*. S*!k l'ea C> L!RGE 1M)SM LL J r«'L>E IIH«S Silk l'-'> re!’ >.*, t ;t »tr Cbutr SM<!<l!f S>l >: It.inil»>o B! n.’.-i. it;e! with pn!lev»; Silk Lti«jp Sii.t.!<■a-.w styl . J.\r \NE»E SCKEE>S. I r»m f3 f|>. L ‘RRE JJPl,\ESV v nBKELL S f t\_ C;tn be S • wi«h P «V In t’ie i;it'-:s> !, j niee fur Picaics or Lnnches ont of !>«on, : they eau be oix>uei ottt or us-,-.i as a teut. C ()TT()X CR APKS IN GREAT VAR’ETY I Rtso» c‘.fntlT Iavitei. I i MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3ma i i LA80H BDREA0. THE AHEHIOAN LEAOUE Bf-£s Icave to uunounou tliat it has est tlj isbed an Enipl»yment j Burem in conuection witb t!ie | Americnn Lenguo. \\ e will be pleased to furnisli \'ou w«Lli skilled ov aaskdled labor \vithout nny fee for tlie eng«ging such labor. The abor enrolIed with us is of the follo\viiig nat.onalities; American, P»rtagoese, Hiwiiian. Germaa, And other Enropean N tionalities Bip»in" Ieire to open a cnrrespoudeuce with you on tliis saliject, We lemain, Your obcdient servauts, The American Leagce EmployMENT UUEEAU. Addressall cotnnj'.:nic3tions toTHEŌ. P. SEVEĪHN, Secretiry. mnr 23-tf. P. (). D»x 493. i ' Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGL1SH SETTER “Honohilu Oirl,” Bred at the Glenmore Kenne’s, Berkeley, Cnla. Registered {N «. 31,093) A. K. CS. B.. New Y rk. :: ired bj L«e R., of Dcrby »t tbe Pa; cific C«wst Fi«lit Tri..l <tt Btken>ti«l>! in 15Siō. L« by Bo<iut-y 9.490; Inm Pi,yUisII ,2,15.3), Btx!ury, the »irt «,f 1,« B.. t.y I>., from K t. P., [3.7 !5] fr.m PuyU., II [2.163! B.ke [212j fnm Pu\l i* 474. [ fhe duiu of U««n iu.u Girl was BeUe G!ad»tone, lht- ouly dangh*.er on the Panho Coa»tof ehaoipion Gt«<!etone (113); (rom Zell, (3,854).; by I»an, [1,336], from Chompioa Pelrtl, [S,427J. THE POINTER ‘Honolulu Duke/ (•30,8ō 1). Lred at tbe Sbabb ua K ;ar.tls f Ott<wa, 111. by DeTonshire S< *, (7.«\*Cl; fr« m 5hcrte, |J,263ī. Th».- D.t t o* llo» 1 ila Dnke h Heiie, by ?tck; frvm Bd!e D. hy TsiakeUe Bang. (4,117). Honoluln Dnke is lh>ioagbly br ke on phe s.iuts, wi h s.aunch pe nts— m all-d*y d> g. I\'r fortber particulars. apply to or address W. M. CUNNiNGKAM, mar 10 A\CHO» Salco.v. THOMAS LIND3AY, Mnnnfaciurinj\ Jev:dei und Watchmaker , MdiMtr&7 BUxk. 405 Fort Bt., IIooola.'M