Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY & Co.. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AM) Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Street. - IIonolalr Families, PIantatioas and Sliips sappliej w;th cboicest Eu ropt~a n & A merira n G rocerie* California Prxluce by Evety Ste-.tner. OCEANIC SteamsliipCo Time Talilo. Long Branch BATHIN G Estab!ishment. Tbis First-class Bathing Besort has been enlarged and is now open to tbe puhlie. It is the best plaee on tbe islands to enjoy a batb anel tbero is no better plaee to lav oti. Special aeeomrao<latioas for Ladies. Tramcars pass tbe dnor everv hall* bo :raud on Satnrdays and Snndays every fifteen minutcs. C.;J. SHERWOOD Proprietor, NOTICE Tbe partoersbip heretofore esisting between Frederick Harrisou >«nd Artbur lfarrison, under tbe firm name of H »rr son Bros. as Contractors and Builders, bas been.by mnlual cousent dissolved, and afl parties owmg said firm are bereby notified tliat pnyuent of the same mad be inaele to Frederick Harrison, wbo is autbocized to settle said busioess witbm tbiity days frora date. FlJEDEniCS Harrisox, Arthcr Haeeiso>. Honoiulu, U. I., March 27th, 1894 mar 28— Iw. DAHG1HG CLASĒES. DAN LTONS- DASTr\G CLAS.s ein Ke ch»nge>! fpom tne Drill Sbio> u. Auon Hall. vh:ch te for TCESDAY THUBSDAT and SATUKDAY ot e»c/> week. T bēd»tatd*j org»cLe*d cl»s* for (. nilōmi viU !uret (it i)m Ahou H«ll tt 2 o'eloek lyi;ardsT afternwon. Apnl 7ih. Oa Tne**lay nnung, Apr.l !<kn, *t 7 o’eloek, ■ will be forme i for Mēn and Boji. Un ThnzsdaT «ft«noon, at 3 oV!oek Aphl ( l?th. « ci«M wiU bo foimxl fur Tlc ch»tges ior •£ daj Pnp.l» will be 23 eenu ■ Wanoo. On tho ih>T« d«v. Mr. Ljon eaa be >«cn u tU Uail fn>ffl 9 a> 13 Muiw