Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Honolulu, Apnl 12, 1894. Alabama pays its legis!ators 84 per day. The ‘Pan3y’’ is best and eheapest! M iine pays its legislators 8150 per annum. Try the Jones Locked Fence for eeonomy! Wyoming is the Baby State iu tbe Union. The Jones Locked Fence for strength: New York City is bnilt on 41 square miles. i Euclosed with the Jones wire Eenee, Tammanyism woukl stay there! Chicago has an area of 180 sqnare miles. Tho Aermotor will snpply wa te to tho world! Petersburg, Va., covers 3 sqnare miles. Haviland China leads all others for beauty! The Soutb contains 15,549,358 white persous and 6,89S,8 | J0 colored. Oar Oil Stoves for baking save . time and money: Tbe voting popuīaiion in the United States, 1890, 13,230,168. The CIaass bread knifo does not make crumbs! Estimated popu!ation of the United States, 1864, 56,580,740. i The Little Giant Rat Traps are wonders! Maine was a part of Massachussetts uutil 1820. ; Tbe Fischer Steel Range bnrns less fnel thau anv others! i Aevada has the fewest inhabitants; New Y T ork the greatest number. Londou has 4,231,431 iuhabitants. I i Hendry’s Ready M xed paints are great spreuders! The G. A. R. has 403.024 rnerabers in the United States. Tbe Hawaiian Hardware Co., leads iu everything! New Ybrk States sent 443,850 mea in the Union Army. Bird cages eitber brass or painted wire at Hawaiian Hardware Co! Mississippi had 545 meu iu the Union Army. . Table cutlerx- and scissors at the Hawaiian Hard\»are Co! , Tbeosopby was fouuded in New i*ork in 1875. , Bradley & Hubbard Lamps riv- , al the sunlight! !: ! The typewriter was first tbought ■ of by Henty Mill 200 years ! a « o - i! Poi BowU at tbe Hawaiiao Hanlware Co! Ohio is the greate»t sheep raisiug State in tbe Union. The Hawaiian Hardware Co., I , organized fonr years ago, has i gone to the top of the Iadder by ] se!ling goods at low prices. and , being “ op ta Jate ’ in eaeh of its 5 many liuea. ® S t Tti Hiimi Hsrii5T8 Co., 1 Stxeet | *