Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — P. G. Dignity. [ARTICLE]

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P. G. Dignity.

Mr. F. M. H.ttch (His Excellency we shoald say) departstbis afteruoon for Maoi where he is iuterested in a great water suit representiug Clans Spreckels. I The Minist?r of Furoign affairs, '■ as well as tbe rest of the p. g. ; 1 cabinet : bas not Iost the interest 1 , thac they «11 feel for their pockets ' and their hnaneia) health. The | dignified appear«nce of tbe gov- j ernment be d .ms locg as the fee is there F«ncy ap.g. I Miniator wuxkmg fux bprooko.si |